Hunger Pangs

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"....... I'm... I'm hungry..."

... I swear I felt my blood briefly turn to ice when Six said that. Lucecito walked over to Six with worry, helping her stay standing. I broke out of my immense fear when I realized Six needed to eat something - as in, right now -  and dashed over to help her, cautiously nudging Lucecito away in case... something happened, for lack of a better description.

"H-Hungry...?" I asked, feigning ignorance while trying to stay calm, "But you seemed fine just a moment ago!" I pointed out, remembering that I also felt baffled at this scene when I played the game.

She looked up at me, and due to the lights overhead, I could see her eyes under her bangs.

I wished I couldn't.

When I saw her eyes, the normally bright golden orbs were dimmed out and faded, as if someone just took the life out of them. As if Six was no longer there, slowly being replaced by another being.

"I-I... urgh... don't know... why.... urk... but I'm just so..." Six started, briefly lowering her gaze before lifting it again to continue.

"... Hungry...".

When she said that, I could've sworn that her teeth appeared sharpened slightly before turning back to normal, once again filling me with dread.


I heard Lucecito ringing his bell, and when I looked over to him, I saw him pointing down the hallway, where there was another room blocked off by prison bars.

Wait a minute... Ah, that's right! There was a kind boy who gave Six some food in the game! As I came to that realization, I quickly put my arm around Six's shoulders and her arm around my shoulders, helping her along. Her stomach continuously growled like a wild beast while she took deep, heavy breaths. Eventually, we arrived at the end of the hallway, and sure enough, there was that mysterious boy, from both other people's gameplays as well as my own, eating at a table by himself on the other side of the bars.

"U-Uh, excuse me," I called to him, catching his attention, "Do you have any food for my friend here?" I asked, gesturing to Six and knowing full well he had some meat on his plate from the game.

Wordlessly, he got up, picked up said slab of meat, walked over and handed me the meat.

"... Here..." he said softly and calmly as I gently took the meat from him.

"Thank you!" I half-yelled half-said to him as I hastily turned back to Six, who was hunched over. Walking over, I had barely handed her the meat when she snatched it away and almost instantly began biting and chewing it down, with Lucecito watching the whole thing in mild worry from my side.

"Heh, you must've been real hungry, eh Six?" I tried to quip, though I was more relieved than anything. However, when Six was still wolfing down the meat, I suddenly felt a presence behind me, sending chills down my spine. Startled, I turned around.

"What the..." I uttered as I turned to face the stack of boxes and crates near the hole in the bars. For a split second, I thought I glimpsed a dark figure wearing some sort of robe or coat standing on the boxes, watching us. However, half a second after I first saw it, the figure vanished into thin air. At the same time it vanished, I heard Six finish eating the meat.

" ... Ah, that was good!" Six said as I turned back to her. She got back up and wiped her mouth before turning to the boy behind the bars. "Thank you so much." She said softly to him, receiving a thumbs up in return. She then turned and walked to me and Lucecito, smiling slightly. Neither of them noticed the shadowy figure I saw when Six was eating, though, much to my confusion. 

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