Just Keep Running, Just Keep Running...

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"HEY! SLENDER MAN RIPOFF!!! OVER HERE!!!" I yelled very loudly as I jumped out from behind the box while waving my arms, causing the Janitor to instantly stop wrapping up the kid in his hands as he snapped his head to face me. Normally, anyone who played Little Nightmares would call what I just did insane, but this was part of the plan.


*Flashback, several minutes ago*

"Okay, so this is what we're gonna do: First, I'm gonna try and distract him and trick him into following me, so that you guys can move ahead into that room over there," I said quietly as I got on my knees, gesturing in the direction of the next room over, the one where Six had to insert the crank to proceed in the original game, "and while I'm distracting him, you guys jump into this open cage to avoid him when he starts chasing me. While he's chasing me, try to find an escape route for us in the room. I'll catch up to you guys, so take your time to find an exit outta here." I explained. I knew from the game that Six and Lucecito would need to insert a lever to crank open a trapdoor to escape, but I figured that they'd figure that out on their own once they made it there.

"Wait, you're gonna distract him by yourself?" Six protested, struggling to keep her voice down as her lips curled into a worried frown, "No way! What if he catches you!?"

Figuring that she might say that, I put a hand on her shoulder while smiling reassuringly. "Six, don't worry, I have a foolproof plan that'll keep him from getting me. Just trust me on this, okay?" I asked gently. She still looked like she wanted to protest, but then Lucecito placed a hand on her shoulder from behind her as well, and as she craned her neck to see him, he gave her a reassuring nod. Looking back to me, Six still looked distressed, but gave me a firm nod.

"If you say so, Sal..." She said, having calmed down. Suddenly, she moved her face close to mine, holding my hands in hers, and allowing me to see her yellow eyes through her bangs. "Just please... be careful." Six pleaded.

I couldn't help but smile softly. "You got it, Six. I'll be back with you soon... I promise." I affirmed. Then, standing up, I leaped out from my hiding spot to put my plan into action.


*Flashback end*


"Eh? Oh, you little vermin...", He growled angrily as he turned around fully to face the source of the yelling, and raised his arms up.

"Try to catch me, ya stumpy-legged creep!" I taunted with a smug grin on my face as I turned and ran in the direction me and my friends came from, turning around and saw that the Janitor was giving chase. However, in his haste, he didn't notice that Six and Lucecito jumped into the cage he was previously reaching in as he ran by. Without talking and while still running, I waved my arm towards them, signaling them to move out, which they both did, though Six cast a worried glance at me before running to join Lucecito.

"You cannot escape from me, child!" The Janitor snarled as I ran to the dead end, causing me to stop and face him. Right when he launched his right arm to grab me, I jumped to the right and over his giant hand, rolling on the ground before getting up again. He must've heard me land, since he snapped his head in my direction before sending his left arm snaking after me. Before he could catch me, however, I hastily jumped and climbed up the box, avoiding him again.

"Grr... you cannot run forever..." He rasped as he felt the box and raised his arms to reach above it. Acting quickly, I took out my phone and, without hesitation, tossed it back to the spot where I'd caught the Janitor's attention. Right as the Janitor's hands were about to find and snatch me, the phone landed on the ground with an audible *thud!*, causing him to snap his head in the direction the phone landed, tricking him into thinking I'd jumped over there.

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