Out of The Frying Pan...

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As we traversed the vents, we eventually reached the spot where the Kitchen area of the game began. Since we were tired from our recent escape and face-off with the Janitor, we decided to rest in that spot for the moment.

Lucecito opted to sleep with his cone hat touching the ground while still on his head while I sat in a corner against the wall with Six sitting beside me, resting her head on my shoulder as we rested up. I'm not sure when, but eventually I fell asleep and entered the realm of dreams.


I once again found myself in the same misty, foggy area where I talked to that female voice. Like last time, I couldn't see more than two feet in front of me since the fog was literally everywhere. However, this time, it was different, because for one, I noticed that the "fog" was now pitch black, like smoke and ash, and waved around the place like a physical shadow. Somewhat unnerved, I waited for that voice to talk to me again, since I assumed the owner of the voice wanted to talk to me

"You cannot protect her."

... What the fuck!?

This voice was not the same one that belonged to whoever brought me to this world! Unlike the soft, female voice that spoke to me in my other dreams earlier, this one was incredibly deep and masculine, with a gravelly tone that sounded very ancient and old. Every time he spoke a word, I could feel a dark aura emanating from everywhere around me, a feeling of pure abysmal darkness and negativity echoing around the area.

"W-What!? W-Who are you!? What do you mean I 'cannot protect her'!?" I shouted as I glanced around, looking for the owner of the new voice. However, I couldn't see a thing through the black fog/ash.

"I am aware of why and how you are here, little boy. I can and will tell you that you will not be able to change anything. The girl will be mine."

The "girl"? What was he talking about? ... Wait... did he mean Six!? Who - or what - the hell is this... thing!? What did he want with Six, if she was the "girl" he talked about?

"Okay, who in the hell are you!? And what are you talking about!?" I shouted into the dark ash.

"Hmph. Don't play dumb. I know you came here from another realm, and are trying to alter the timeline. Trying to save that thing you call a friend. Well, you can't. I know of everything that happens in this place. And I believe you have an idea of who - or what - I am. After all, you saw me not long ago." The dark, ancient voice continued, a feeling of evilness radiating as he spoke, though he genuinely didn't have any arrogance in his tone whatsoever despite his words.

Well, shit, he just proved that he knew of where I came from. And... I saw him? When!? And where!? I'm pretty sure I would've remembered seeing a being who radiated pure darkness and evil along my travels in the Maw. Unless...


However, when Six was still wolfing down the meat, I suddenly felt a presence behind me, sending chills down my spine. Startled, I turned around.

"What the...?" I uttered as I turned to face the stack of boxes and crates near the hole in the bars. For a split second, I thought I glimpsed a dark figure wearing some sort of robe or coat standing on the boxes, watching us. However, half a second after I saw it, the figure vanished into thin air. At the same time it vanished, I heard Six finish eating the meat.

"... Ah, that was good!" Six said as I turned back to her.

*Flashback end*

Was the owner of the voice... that shadowy figure that I saw when Six was hungrily devouring the meat? Considering that the black-hooded figure back then had been radiating a sinister dark aura similar to the aura casted by the voice talking to me, it looked to be true.

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