... And Into the Fire

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We all instantly froze in our tracks, and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped. I turned my head to see Six and Lucecito behind me, frozen in place with terror all over their body language/face. I was about to tell them to run for it when the terrible voice spoke again.

"Finally! There's the salt shaker..." The voice said. Now utterly confused, I carefully tip-toed to the door frame and peered inside. There, leaning over the table that was full of stacks of cut up meat, was a terrifying sight: A giant, overweight figure with a potbelly and wearing an apron and chef's hat and with flesh that almost appeared to be sagging, with (proportionally) small, dead eyes.

It was one of the Twin Chef brothers. Specifically, it was the one with a fish-like mouth.

To my surprise, he was reaching for a giant salt shaker that was behind a large stack of recently cut steaks. 

"Ugh... I don't have time to find ingredients..." The Chef Twin grumbled frustratingly as he took the salt shaker and used it on a slab on meat in front of him on tabletop. Wait... so he didn't see us? He was just yelling about finding a salt shaker?

... Welp, I'm not gonna question it!

"Uh... I think we're okay..." I said shakily as I carefully snuck back to my friends. Six gave a confused glance while Lucecito tilted his head, but both nodded their head quickly anyway, relaxing slightly. Turning back, I faced the opening in the wall next to the door and carefully tip-toed through, gesturing for Six and Lucecito to stealthily follow after.

As we entered the room and crouched under a wooden counter on the other side, my nose instantly took in the smell of all the freshly cut meat and food in the room. To my surprise, while it obviously smelled good... I couldn't help but feel something very off about the food, especially the meat. That in of itself was weird, since I love eating meat like roast beef or steak, but for some reason, I was very put off by the meats here.

"Oooh... so much food..." Six said beside me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I glanced sideways to see Six crouched besides me, salivating and drooling from her smiling lips as she took in the sight of the food from our position under the counter, her eyes wide with anticipation.


Luckily, Lucecito (who didn't need to crouch due to already being short) gently nudged her shoulder and brought her back from fantasy land.

"H-Huh?" Six stuttered as she was brought to her senses. I gently put a hand on her shoulder, getting her to look at me.

"Six, focus. Besides, didn't you just eat?" I stated plainly with my lips in a straight line. She looked away sheepishly, wiping away the drool.

"Sorry, you're right, Sal." She conceded. I nodded to her before looking back out into the kitchen. At this point, the Chef was cutting up the meat on the table, his back to us as he worked.

Six nudged my shoulder, and when I turned to face her, she pointed at the space under another counter. Knowing that we could use it to hide, me and Lucecito both hid nodded our understanding, and we quickly used the Chef's distracted state to scramble over under the next counter. Not a moment after we stopped and made it safely under the counter, the Chef abruplty slammed his knife into the steak and turned around, walking over to the counters near us.

"Grah... let's get this finished..." he grumbled as he grabbed a sausage from the counter that we were previously hiding under. The Chef proceeded to then walk over and toss the sausage into a large pot of boiling soup on a stove next to the counter we were under. As we watched, he then turned back around and began working on the meat again.

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