Stomachaches, Heartaches, and All Kinds of Aches

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... I never thought I could be so scared yet so determined and brave at the same time until now.

Time slowed down to the point where, if it were raining, the drops would've almost been frozen in mid-air.

I instantly took off down the hallway, ignoring the art depicting an oddly shaped island with a chimney on it in the middle of a raging, hungry sea. I sprinted faster than I ever had to before, one: to save the life of a close friend, and two: to stop another close friend from making the biggest mistake of all time.

"You can't save him. You can't save her.", a familiar ancient and dark voice growled in my mind.

I would rather die before I let one of my closest friends eat another friend!

Six outstretched both arms as Lucecito joyfully held up the sausage, 100% oblivious to the mortal danger he was in at that moment. As I neared the end of the hallway, Six limped ever closer, a small snarling noise coming from her as she came ever closer to Lucecito. I charged through the door, feet pounding the wooden floor, and Lucecito turned his head to me in shock. Six, however, kept edging ever closer, ignorant of my arrival, just like I was ignorant of the few Gnomes watching curiously from an altar on one side of the room. Before I knew it, she was only half a foot away from him.

Then, with desperation and terror filling me, I leaped forwards, arms out forwards towards a very-confused Lucecito. At that exact nanosecond, Six rushed forwards, and I could see her teeth were sharpened like a predatory animal, her eyes dulled and blank.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I yelled as I forcefully shoved Lucecito out of Six's way, the sausage sent flying out of his grasp. At the exact nanosecond I shoved him, Six rushed forwards, not having enough time to react to me saving Lucecito as she bared her teeth.

The good news: Lucecito was now on the floor and dazed, but completely unharmed and safe.

The bad news:...


... Six continued to rush forwards, not knowing I had arrived, and bit down where Lucecito used to be. Which was where I now was.

Time resumed.

"GYAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" I screamed as I felt a searing pain in my right arm, as well as two hands with inexplicably sharp nails bordering on claws grabbed and dug into my right shoulder and other arm. At the same time, I felt myself get shoved to the floor. Turning my head, I was shocked and not shocked at the same time to see Six biting down hard onto my forearm, blood quickly drawing. At the same time, her nails - which I now saw had sharpened into actual claws - dug into my shoulder and other arm to cause more blood to seep out and pinning me down.

"Gah! S-Six, stop!" I yelled, and tried to forcefully wretch my arm from her jaws. She was chomping down too hard, however, and was shaking it back and forth like a wild dog. Panicking now, I turned my gaze to my other arm, which Six was pinning with her own arm, and I tried desperately to get it loose. It was incredibly difficult, however, with Six's nails digging into its upper arm region (between the elbow and shoulder), and the incredible pain it caused.

"Crap! Come on, Six! Don't do this!" I shouted, and finally succeeded in prying arm from her claws. Not letting this oppurtunity go to waste, I quickly lifted it and shoved my free left arm's palm into Six's forehead, since she was still biting down onto my right arm. I had to hurry since I knew I could lose consciousness from blood loss any minute. That, and her teeth were about to reach my bones, and it was hurting like hell!

"You have to fight it, Six!! Don't let your hunger blind you!!!" I shouted desperately, trying to shove her off me. She wasn't letting go, however, and I had to think of something fast.

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