Stealth or Death

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"Crap." I uttered.

We were now walking on the platforms on the bookcase, quietly walking on the path above the ground. It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the fact that I'm scared of heights.

"Sal! Come on!" Six urged quietly as she glanced at me from her position at the top of the makeshift ladder of books. Lucecito was already up on the narrow pathway, waiting for me to catch up.

"Alright, geez!" I whispered in exasperation as I climbed the ladder of books and rejoined my friends. Together, we began tip-toeing on the narrow path with the Janitor walking around directly underneath us, oblivious to our presence there. It was made harder by the toys and vases in our path, forcing us to creep around them. Lucecito had no issue due to his naturally small size, but as the tallest and biggest I had trouble manuevering around the obstacles quietly. Eventually, as I passed yet another toy monkey (why was the Maw full of toy monkeys, anyway!?), my foot accidentally nudged the toy and sent it toppling to the floor.

*EEK!* *EEK!*

Upon landing, it began screeching and clashing its hands together. Both Six and Lucecito froze in their paths, glancing back and giving frantic gazes to me. Ugh, of all the things that fell, it just HAD to be a loud-ass monkey toy!?

"Eh?" The Janitor rasped as he turned and picked up the toy monkey. After several seconds, he lifted his head and would've looked directly at me if he had eyes. Upon seeing him "look" at me, Six and Lucecito adopted panicked expressions and body language. Suddenly, the Janitor began outstretching his arms to where I stood frozen, and I knew that I had to do something quick!

Glancing around, I noticed the toy blocks at my feet and, in the span of a second, lifted one and tossed as hard as I could to my right.


"...Huuhhh...?" The Janitor croaked as he dropped his arms and began slowly approaching the spot where the block landed. I wiped my brow before noticing Six giving me a frustrated look with pursed lips and Lucecito standing ahead of her with his fists on his hips while tapping his foot, as if he was trying to say "Really? REALLY?" without speaking.

"Sorry!" I mouthed noiselessly. Six huffed silently while Lucecito shook his head, and we continued onwards across the narrow path. As we silently traversed into the bookcase shelf and onto the next narrow path, I heard a croaking sound and looked back to see the Janitor walking back over to the area we were in, mumbling angrily and incoherently. By this point, Lucecito made it to the other side and was on the other bookcase, with Six not far behind. At that moment, Six chose that moment to accidentally cause a *creak!* noise, alerting the Janitor to our position above him.

"Grr..." He snarled as he flung his arms at the narrow wooden path we were on. Six looked to her left and noticed too late the Janitor's monstrous hands reaching up to her position. Surprise encompassed her face, and without thinking, I rushed ahead and shoved her forwards into the bookcase and then immediately jumped back, avoiding the Janitor's fingers by a hair. Six tumbled forwards and would've faceplanted had Lucecito not caught her in time.

The good news was that Six was saved from the Janitor's clutches, and I managed to narrowly avoid his grasp.

The bad news was that I was now stuck on the bookcase in between the other two since the Janitor was pressing his hands and fingers all over the narrow path I needed to cross to get to the other side. By this time, Six mouthed a quick "thank you" to Lucecito and turned around to see my plight. Her jaw dropped and I'm pretty sure her eyes widened (not too sure since I couldn't see them under her bangs from this far away), with helplessness filling her face while Lucecito pulled down on his hat in distress.

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