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Merry Christmas, my faithful readers! The newest chapter you guys have been dying to see! Just a warning, this chapter is very long, which is saying something, but it's a chapter nonetheless that you guys have been waiting for. I know I keep procrastinating on these, which is my own fault for not thinking this story would ever get as big as it is now. However, I am now trying my damn hardest to make it up to you guys. So, without further ado... enjoy!

EDIT: BTW, this probably will be my Christmas gift to you guys. I know it's early, but I just can't resist! You can choose to wait until Christmas Day to read this to seem more like a Christmas gift. Or read it now... or never... whenever you want, I dunno...

JK Enjoy! :D


[Someplace some time ago...]

He ran. For how long, he didn't remember. Where to, he couldn't even pinpoint. His small lungs ached, and his legs were screaming for rest, but he paid none of it any heed. All that mattered was getting away from... here.

He squinted his eyes in the darkness, trying desperately to see any and all obstacles in his way. It was only made harder by the object he carried in his hands, being forced to use both his hands to hold onto his object to keep from giving himself away to his pursuers. Most others in his predicament probably would've left such a seemingly insignificant item behind to increase their chances, but not him. It was his treasure, his only treasure. He could not possibly bear to abandon it.

This was his only chance...

Suddenly, he heard them.


It was the monster, he knew, whose footprints caused the floorboards to squeak in that manner. He couldn't see him, but he knew that he was nearby, lurking in the shadows, ready to capture him the second he made any movement that gave him away...

He held his breath, stopping in his tracks, his sweaty palms clutching his treasure to his chest, trying desperately to think of good thoughts to calm his mind... his home, his family, his friends.

"Liiiiittllle veeeerrrmiiiiiinnn..." He heard the abomination croak in the darkness, its footsteps slowly moving about, sniffing for little things in the dark that didn't belong. Little things like him. With extreme caution, he snuck through the shadows, resisting the urge to cry for help or release the fearful tears building up in his eyes. Up ahead, he could see a door, and to his enormous joy, a sliver of light flittering inside. The exit to this terrible Prison...

He couldn't help but run, his eyes trained on that light - that hope - that was held beyond the door... it may not have been the main exit out of this hellhole of a ship, but it was certainly a start. However, in his haste, he completely forgot about being stealthy.

He slipped on a small piece of paper, shaped like a aircraft.


His less-than-graceful fall echoed throughout the room, and for a second, he lay on the floor, praying that no one heard that. However, it was for naught.

"Theeeere yoooouuuu aaaaaarrre...", That voice in the shadows rasped, and he felt his heart sink into his stomach. He heard rushing footsteps rapidly approach him from the shadows, and he instantly got up and was sprinting as full speed towards the exit in less than an instant. Tears began sliding down his terrified face, feet pounding against the wooden floorboards, his delicate hands and fingers clutching his one and only treasure left in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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