Child's Play

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The three of us climbed to the scaffolding and traversed the area, hopping over gaps and avoiding wrong paths using Six's lighter and my phone to light the way. Eventually, we arrived at the door that led to the next area, and was predictably locked.

Six looked up and down at the locked gate with her signature neutral expression, lighter in hand, probably trying to find a way to open while Lucecito rode on my back and shoulders. I realized during our walk up here that I could only ever see Six's eyes whenever she was right near me with either her lighter or my phone to help me see.

"Hmm..." Six said, interrupting my thoughts, "...there must be a switch around here to open this door."

"Maybe we should try to look over there." I said, pointing to the path that led in the other direction and, to my recollection, led to the lever that opened the door. Without changing her facial expression, she nodded and we headed down the wooden plank path, with Lucecito ringing his bell to warn us whenever we were about to walk off the edge. Eventually, we reached the end of the path and found the lever.

"Okay, let's do this" I said, warming up my hands as Six and I grabbed the lever and cranked it.


"Huh?" I asked as Lucecito rang his bell from his perch on my shoulders. Looking up, I noticed light pouring into the room. Turning our heads while holding the lever, all three of us saw that the door was open. The light was beautiful in contrast to the consuming darkness.

"We better hurry," Six said, breaking me out of my stupor, "I think the door'll close if we wait too long."

Remembering that the door would quickly shut once the lever was released, I nodded.

"Ready..." I said as me and Six prepared to take off running, "... GO!"

With that, we took off to the door, which began closing instantly after we let go. Six and I leaped over the gap in our path, with me barely making it with Lucecito's weight still on my back, and slid under the door right as it closed. Panting slightly, I stayed on the floor for a few moments until I heard footsteps near me.

"Come on, Sal," Six said. I looked up to see she had already gotten up and was holding her hand out to me. "Let's get going." She finished.

"*chuckle*, alright." I said, chuckling as I took her hand and stood up. As we began to walk to the hole in the wall, I suddenly remebered something.

"Hey, check it out!"I said, pretending to have spotted something on the pile of crates and climbing up said pile, with Six and Lucecito turned to look at me and tilted their heads in confusion as I did so. When I reached the top, I found what I remembered to be there from the game.

"Look at this!" I said with a smile as I held out the paper airplane that I remembered. Six giggled slightly and made a small smile.

"What's that?" She giggled as I climbed back down.

"It's a paper airplane," I said as I tossed the plane. It flew around before landing gently near Six's feet. "I think I'm going to keep it. Y'know, as a reminder for when we get out of the Maw". I finished.

Lucecito jumped in place playfully while ringing his bell, probably wanting one for himself while Six picked it up and examined it, handing it back to me after several seconds.

"Not sure how it'll help us, but okay." She said with a tiny smile as I put the plane in my pocket.

"Hey, you never know, Six," I said as we continued on, "You can't judge a book by its cover."


Crawling through the hole and heading into the next area, the three of us landed on the large crates I knew were there and began to move out. As we were walking, I heard a familiar scraping sound from above us.

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