Cold Cuts and Heated Escapes

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As we traversed through the vent and dropped into the next room, I was both annoyed and nervous at the fact that we were in yet another freezer and quickly began rubbing my hands together while chattering my teeth. Why did I have to be teleported to this world in only a black T-shirt, sandals and red jersey shorts!?

"G-Grr... w-why are there s-so many-y freezers-s h-here!?" Six growled while shaking from the cold and hugging herself. Once again, Lucecito seemed just fine under the white cloth and cone hat that covered his entire body, and walked ahead of us nonchalantly. As I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I suddenly felt Six's cold hand on my shoulder.

"E-Erm... Sal...?" Six said as I turned to her. To my surprise, she nervously huddled up against me, causing the freezer to suddenly not seem so cold.

"C-Can I... uh... j-just keep close to you here? Y-Y'know, for w-warmth?" She said shyly, her face quickly becoming red, and something told me that her stuttering wasn't because of the cold.

... Well, at least she ASKED this time!

"Uh............ s-sure, n-no problem." I finally replied with a shaky thumbs up, causing her to sigh in relief and rest her head on my shoulder as we began walking through the room, our bodies in close contact the whole time.

"S-Sorry, b-but... you, uh... y-you really are warm, Sal..." Six said quietly, causing my face to somehow flush even more. At several points as we walked on, our legs accidentally touched, and I had to breathe slowly in and out to keep from dying of heat stroke from the spike in my body temperature... in a freaking freezer. Lucecito, who was far ahead of us, turned and made kissy motions with his hands at us.

"S-SHUT IT!" Me and Six yelled at him in unison, our faces crimson.

As we neared the exit, I looked around and noticed two boxes stacked on one another, with the bottom one on its side with its lid pulled off, and remembered that the second Chef brother (the one with a straight, slash-like mouth) would soon come here, and that we'd need to hide in said boxes.

"O-Oh, c-come on!" Six growled in exasperation as we walked through the door frame. The reason for her (and mine and Lucecito's) annoyance was because there was a large metal door with a lock blocking our path. If I remembered right, we'd need to get the key from the Chef to proceed.

Sure enough, when we turned to the elevator right nearby, we all stopped in our tracks as we heard the sound of the elevator in use.


Lucecito, who was about to pull the lever, immediately backed off and turned to us in alarm, as did Six. Remembering the game, I quickly turned and pointed to the two boxes from earlier.

"Hide!" I hissed quietly, and without wasting a moment we all made a sprint towards the bottom box on its side. Reaching it first, I ushered Lucecito in first, then pushed Six in before jumping inside myself. It was incredibly cramped, and Six looked like she wanted to complain and glared at me, but she was luckily smart enough to know that now wasn't the time and kept quiet.

A second after we all jumped into the overturned box, we heard the elevator come to a halt and opened its doors. Sure enough, several seconds later, the large, smelly feet and legs of Chef #2 stalked by, oblivous to our presence as the Chef began rummaging through the box on top of us.

"Sqgrauk... damn brother thinking I raided the pantry...*mutter, mutter*... oughta know better than to *grumble, mumble*..." The Chef growled angrily under his breath. In the cramped box, Lucecito and I turned and glared at Six (don't ask how I knew Lucecito was glaring, I could just tell), causing her to sweatdrop under our gazes and smiled sheepishly. Finally, the Chef found whatever he was looking for and trudged around the boxes to the other side of the room.

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