Messy Secrets

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We climbed up the staircase, which was even more massive up close, and made it to the first landing. When Six and Lucecito were about to continue onwards, I noticed the open door that led to another Gnome.

"Uh, hey Six?" I called to her, prompting her and Lucecito to stop and look at me in confusion, "Can you wait here while I check out this door?"

Six looked thoughtful for several seconds before nodding her agreement. "Sure." She said curtly.

After saying thank you, I turned and jogged through the door. Just as I remembered, the Gnome in the room noticed my presence and ran to the closet. Pulling the chair to the tile to open the otehrwise locked gate, I opened the closet door and found the little Gnome on the other side of the desk, trying (and failing) to hide by huddling down behind the desk.

"Hey, there, little guy!" I said in a gentle voice while holding out my hand, causing the Gnome to stop trembling and look up at me. "I'm not gonna hurt you, honsetly!" I reassured, and after several seconds, the Gnome stood and took my hand, shaking it earnestly.

"There you go, little buddy!" I said with a smile. Picking it up, I gave it a small hug, which he gladly returned. After that, the Gnome suddenly climbed onto the desk and pointed to... a button? Was that always there? Tilting my head while glancing at it in confusion, I climbed up after it and, after thinking, pushed it. I was not ready for what happened next.

"What the heck?" I half-yelled as a robotic eye in front of me suddenly opened and showed a screen of the sleeping children in the room where we first saw the Janitor up close. After staring in shock for several seconds, I pushed the button several more times. Each time, the eye closed and opened, and it showed a different screen each time. There were Gnomes around a lit candle, the pantry in the Kitchen full of food that we might need later, and other views that the eye showed on its screen.

"The hell...?" I muttered in awe, since I hadn't seen this in my gameplay, with the Gnome besides me looking just as confused. "So... this is like a video camera?" I uttered, turning to the Gnome, who shrugged. Just then, I noticed the Eye brought up another screen.

"What's this?" I asked quietly as it brought up the new view: The Lady's bedroom. However, I'd already seen the Lady's bedroom from when I played the game. After several seconds, I saw a small picture on the floor propped against the wall, a piece of cloth covering part of it. However, I could still most of the picture's contents. What was in the picture shocked me to my core.

"S...S-Six?" I uttered in shock. The picture held a small girl in a yellow raincoat, with the hood down and golden eyes peeking through her long bangs, a rather stoic expression on her face. Her bangs were shorter in the picture than now, and her raincoat hood was down, but I knew for a fact that this was Six in the picture.

"But.... why? What the hell?" I stammered in shock. Why was there a picture of Six in the Lady's bedroom? And, now that I thought about it, why was this video camera Eye even here to begin with? The more I thought about those questions, the less sense it made. However, before I could keep pondering, I heard a voice break me out of my thoughts. It was Six calling me from the stairs, followed by Lucecito's telltale bell.

"Um, Sal? Are you okay in there?"


Turning back to the Gnome besides me, I patted its head. "Sorry, little buddy, but I gotta go." I said. It lowered its gaze sadly, but then shook my hand. "Alright pal, I'll see you later." I said with a smile as I jumped from the table and jogged back to the staircase. Six and Lucecito were peeking through the door as I approached them, with Lucecito running up to me and hugging my leg for a second.

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