No Gnomes Knows

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As soon as my eyes got acclimated to the brightness, I could only say one word.


Right in front of me was an enormous expanse of ocean, the waves almost reaching the platform I was on. Turning around, I was stunned by how big the Maw's exterior was.... and how big it was in general. Turning back around to face the sea, I still found it hard to believe that we were in the ocean the entire time. At this exact moment, we were technically outside the Maw...

"That is a lot of water..."

Upon hearing another voice, I looked over my shoulder to see Six and Lucecito catching up to see and stepping onto the platform with me. Both seemed awed by the massive ocean we were in.... well, actually, Lucecito was looking upwards at something.

"Uh... Lucecito? What is it?" I asked him, since he was transfixed on something above him. He pointed up at something, and as I followed the direction he was pointing in, I realized he was pointing at the Sun, which was luckily right behind some clouds and was barely peeking out so that we weren't blinded. However, much of its light still shone through.

"Oh, the Sun. That explains why it was so bright back there, I guess." I said casually, figuring that Lucecito saw something else.

"*gasp!* The Sun!? Seriously!?" Six asked excitedly, looking to where Lucecito had pointed. "Oooooh... it's so pretty..." She muttered as she looked up.

... Why was it such a big deal that the Sun was out?

"... yeah, and...?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Suddenly, a thought occured to me.

"Wait... you didn't know what the Sun looked like?" I asked, concern in my voice. Six averted her gaze, "Yes, I knew..." Six said after a moment...

*Jing!* *Jing!*

... but Lucecito nodded his head fervently.

"Well... it's been a really long time since the last time I was out. The brightest things in the Maw were the lamps and lanterns, and even then, they were only in places like the Guest Area and Kitchen." Six said nervously, returning her gaze to the Sun's golden light.

"And, Lucecito.... you... you didn't know what the Sun looked like?" I asked cautiously.


He shook his head.

"......... How much of your life did you spend in the Maw, Lucecito?" I asked him. He put his hand to his chin before drawing a 100% in the air in front of me. My jaw dropped. Suddenly, I remembered something...



"............ I'll be wanting to know what the Sun feels like again." The Janitor said...


"... So, then.... this is the first time you've EVER seen the Sun, Lucecito? No, wait, this is the first time you've EVER been outside the Maw at all?" I asked after my voice returned.

... *Jing...*...

He averted his gaze for a moment, then nodded glumly.

"Sal..." Six said, drawing my attention, "... how did you know what the Sun looked like if we didn't?" She asked nervously. Crud.

"W-Well, ya see...... where I'm from, we get to see the Sun rise every day in the morning, and I remember because wasn't here for nearly as long as you two..." I explained, not quite over my shock.

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