Deals and Dreams

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We decided to rest near the lamp for the time being, both for me and Lucecito to catch our breath- well, mainly me, since my cone-wearing comrade was just fine after running for our lives - and for Six to recover from nearly getting squeezed to death.

Lucecito was on the ground right next to the lamp with his cone hat nearly touching the ground while Six and I sat side-by-side with our backs on the makeshift ladder of wooden boards that led to the scaffolding above us. I would've thought that Six wanted to be independent and sit by herself, but she surprisingly seemed content being near me, considering I was still covered in black oil (surprisingly, the black substance slipped right off of Six's raincoat just like in the game).

Eventually, after a while of sitting there and making sure Six was okay, I felt my exhaustion take effect and slipped into a peaceful slumber.


"You've done well thus far, young one."

I found myself in a dark, misty area, with pretty much zero visibility. I also realized I was back in my original, high-school-age guy body. As the voice spoke, I recognised it as the one I heard before I arrived in the Maw.

"Hey! Who are you!? And more importantly, why am I here!?" I called out to the voice in the mist.

"Oh? I thought you wanted to take these series' of events in your own hands... did you not?" the voice cooed.

Dammit, she had a point... Never talk shit to a potentially otherworldly being, I realized.

"Fine, you have a point there", I sighed in defeat, slumping my body, "but how do I get home!?" I almost shouted into the dense fog surrounding me.

"*Giggle*, hm? You wish to quit already?", she pretty much taunted. However, I wasn't going to fall for it.

"*Sigh*, no," I stated calmly, "I just want to know if I can return home after all of this is over. I mean, I assume you're the one who brought me here, right?"


"Then you can return me home after I finish, right?" I asked hopefully.

"Correct again.", the voice stated.

"Phew!", I said, worried I may be stuck here for the rest of my life. I'm pretty sure no one would want to live in a world infested with giant monsters anyway, but I saw the crap first-hand. "Glad that's cleared up." After saying that, I suddenly had a thought.

"Hey..." I started, "why exactly am I here, anyway? I mean, it can't just be because I have to prove what I said, right?"

"...Indeed, you are right", she began again, "like you, I was also... unsatisfied with how the original events transpired..."

...What? She didn't like how the game ended, either? Then what was I doing here? And what did she... whoever she was... have anything to do with this world in particular?

"... So, what, I'm some sort of means to an end?" I asked. Truthfully, I wasn't all that offended, since I made some rather memorable experiences here from meeting Six and Lucecito, so I was more like just curious.

""*Sigh*, yes... I require an outsider force to help me with my own mission." She said somberly, clearly not happy about bringing me here either. "So... how about this?: If you successfully alter the timeline for the better, I will not only transfer you, but also anyone who's heart has been cleansed will be sent to your realm for a new beginning."

... Eh? 'Anyone who's heart has been cleansed'...? Wait, so that means Six and Lucecito could come with me if things can work out! I didn't realize it at first, but now I knew that, if I left now, I'd be leaving my new friends behind, something I couldn't fathom doing.

... Since I really didn't have a whole lotta options, that sounded like a good deal to me!

"Alright..." I said, somewhat nervously, "deal."

".... Good." she said. Suddenly, the area I was in began to darken, and my vision went to black. However, it didn't fade completely before I heard the voice again.

"Please... do not fail them."


I woke up with a start, opening my eyes rapidly while trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

"Wha...?" I got out before remembering that I was seated on the ground against the makeshift ladder. As I did, I suddenly remembered what happened: I apparently spoke to that feminine voice again in my dream and learned that - if I play my cards right, anyway - not only will I get to go back home, but I can also bring anyone "who's heart has been cleansed", which sounded like a good deal to me, especially if Lucecito and Six could tag along back with me to my homeworld.

"Goodness knows they would seriously love a world without hungry leeches, cannibalistic giants and evil witches trying to kill them all the time..." I muttered silently.

*Snore*, *Sniffle*

Suddenly, I heard a noise come from next to me and I turned my head. As I did, I finally remembered that Six was still sleeping next to me, with her hooded head resting on my shoulder while snoring so softly that I was surprised I heard it to begin with.

I couldn't make out her eyes under her long bangs and hood due to the angle I was looking at her from, but she still looked too adorable to do... the things she did. Then again, I knew from playing the game myself that looks could easily be decieving, especially in this world, and that sometimes, you "gotta do what you gotta do".

As that thought entered and left my brain, I heard shuffling from the warm lamp. I turned to face the source of the sound, careful to not wake up Six, and saw Lucecito walk up to us. Stopping directly in front of us, he jingled the bell on his cone hat by moving his head and pointed upwards at the wooden ladder we were resting against.


"Huh? What is it, little buddy?", I asked as I felt Six stir besides me, woken up by Lucecito's bell ringing. "Whaddya need?"

He furiously pointed upwards repeatedly at the scaffolding above us.

"... Do you wanna keep going?" I assumed.


He nodded.

"Huh?" I heard Six groggily say. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she looked to me for answers.

"Wanna keep on going, Six?" I asked her. When she finally lifted her head, she answered with a more awake voice.

"Mhmm." She nodded.

Getting up first, I tried to get the stains of oil off my shorts (my shirt was fine since it was already pitch-black to begin with) and then offered Six a hand at getting up.

"Feeling better?" I asked as she used my hand to pull herself up.

"Yep", she said with a small smile, her golden eyes barely peeking through her bangs.

I also smiled, then turned to the ladder directly behind us.

"Let's go."


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