For the patient

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I know I've left you all hanging for a while. I apologise. I promise to get back in the Cesaro Swing asap.

I want to seriously thank you all for the love, the support, the acception. Honestly, I've never done anything like this before. If I was able to write like this in highschool, I'd probably get a good grade and a conference. Lol. I'm comfortable here and I love all of your creativity and innovation. Keep up the good work.

Real shit, since I've been writing this book in particular, I must say that I am damn near smitten with Nia. So thank you all for the request on not only putting Nia in my first book Club Antonio's. But having it manifest into Most girls don't don't it like me.

More to come....

Stay tuned and thanks for reading.....

Oh, by the way. I'm collaborating with three fine sisters​ on a new book...Outside Interference.


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