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Weeks later after the plan was supposed to be set in motion. Vince McMahon comes to Monday Night Raw and makes a big announcement. possibly throwing a wrench into the system.

Vince McMahon: Alright! It's time to make some changes in the WWE Universe. Next week, I will introduce a superstar shake-up that means anyone from Raw, Smackdown, and maybe even NXT will be on different shows!

Nia gets on the phone with Andrade. And  not only worried but she but she's very upset.

Andrade: Baby just calm down. Everything will be fine. If Paul said it will be big plans there will be big plans. You need to keep the faith.

Nia: You know how shit always switches up. I get that this is the nature of the business, but damn. A shot is a shot.

Andrade: Gotcha boo. I believe in the plan. No matter who comes or what changes, just spank their ass.

Nia: Here you go that what you want? To spank my ass? Bend me all the way over and bless my cheeks with your strong hands?

Andrade: Sounds like music to my ears darling. See you soon.....

Next week at the Superstar Shake up.....

Nia is in the back with the rest of the superstars. As she is heading to the locker room to watch the shake up begin, she is pulled to the side by a reassuring figure.

Paul: Regardless of what happens tonight, think big plans....big plans.

The Shakeup Begins.....

Dean Ambrose comes to Raw

Dean: Whats up chumps!?! Daddy Dean is back on Mondays.

Charlotte to Smackdown

Charlotte: Well girls, hold it down. See ya at the cross ppvs.

Mickie James to Raw

Mickie James: Hey y'all!

The Miz to Raw

Miz: Whats up everybody. Watch my fly ass jacket.

Chris Jericho to Smackdown

Chris:You know what happens when you shake up Y2J? Raw locker room? You just made the list!

Nia has just finished her match and returned to the back. She welcomes and congradulates everyone coming or going to different shows. Meanwhile, she get a call from Andrade.

Andrade: Wild night right?

Nia: Yeah. The revival even got called up.

Both of them: Fuck the Revival!

Nia: Has anyone said anything in reference to you?

Andrade: Nope. All I got was a text from Paul saying big plans...

Nia: Well speaking of big plans, I hope to see you soon.

Andrade: You will mama....

The shakeup go on and on but one name sticks out like a sore thumb.

Alexa Bliss to Raw....

Alexa is good friends with Nia. However,  the overwhelming feeling of doubt lies in the shadow of her present opportunity. Being the professional she is regardless of the situation. Nia goes and welcomes her friend to Monday Nights.

Nia: Hey girl! Welcome to RAW.

Alexa: Thank you. I guess you'll be throwing me around the ring huh?

Nia: You know it. Looks like the chase to the title is gonna get even more interesting.

Alexa: True sis. May the best woman win.

Nia: You're looking at her....

Alexa: I see the confidence! Okay love..

Nia makes her way back to the viewing room to see a grand surprise.

Andrade is standing there with a dozen roses dressed to a T. As they embrace. Nia melts to his touch.

Nia: What are you doing here?

Andrade: This...

Teleprompter: And tonight's final shake up....from NXT going to Raw...
Andrade Cien Almas!

Nia: Oh my god! Is this real?

Andrade: Like a 100 dollar bill...

As they kiss, Paul comes out of nowhere walking by smiling.

Paul: Big.....Plans...

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