My secret identity - Prologue

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Prologue - Susan

My name is Susan and I live in a small village called 'Sashla', yeah...It's got quite a stupid name. I'm 15 and I live with my mum. I live in South Africa. We moved out here when my dad came here to fight in a war. She was brave to move out here when a war was going on but that's my mum for you. She's fearless. My mum didnt have to move out here but she didn't want to be too far from my dad. That's true love.

My dad went to fight in the war when I was 4 years old, and never returned. It was only up until a few years ago I realised what had really happened to him. I miss him with all my heart and think about him everyday. I wish he was still here with me now, but he can't ever come back. He will never see me grow up, get married and have kids. It's sad when you think about it, this happens to families all the time. Everyday someone will lose their father. It makes my heart break.

So it's just mum and me. She sometimes says she regrets only having one child because she hates me being lonely since we dont have school in our village and there is not another town for miles. Mum and me live in a large hut, since there are no proper houses. Our village is very poor and we take what food and drink we can, which is not much. The only source of water the whole village has is a large lake, which is not very clean as you could imagine.

During the day mum and me tend to our few crops, wash our clothes and fetch water from the lake. I live an extremely boring life. Every sunday everyone prays and goes to our church, which is a small shack in the middle of the street. Then later in the evening we hold a market where we can sell crops, clothing and daily things that are hard to find in our town. Mum and me sometimes sell our old clothing and some extra food we have, but we don't normally have anything left over to sell.

Lately in South Africa a man called Zalagon has been creating an army of men. He has been sending the men off to kidnap young girls and bring them back to him so he can sell them as prostitutes. We feel quite safe where we are because we are so far from anything we think that they won't bother coming to look here. I guess thats a plus from living in a small, vile village...

Mum always tried to get us back to England, but she could never manage to get the money after dad died. She feels bad for me because she never gave me a chance to live a normal life. I sometimes hear her cry herself to sleep at night, which kills me inside. She can't blame herself for moving out here. She loved him and I respect that. She only wanted to be with dad, which is really romantic when you think about it.

So this is my life so far. Not great but things can only get better, or so they say...

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