Chapter 3 - Susan + Sam

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Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to paranormalmanga723 (Chloe) because she added this story to her reading list and cause she’s my friend, so......... HEY CHLOE! XXX Oh and also because she is the one that introduced me to Wattpad :)

Here’s chapter 3.....

 Chapter 3 – Susan’s P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see that it was morning and the sun was shining, like always. “What was that noise?” I asked, but no one was around to answer. Where are they all?


I looked over to the river bank to see men shooting at me. Oh no. This is bad.


“Help!” I yelled. “Help me please!” It was pointless no one was around anymore and I was going to die.

Suddenly the boat cracked and split into two pieces. “Help me please! Don’t let me drown” I begged. Tears were streaming from my eyes and I didn’t know what to do. I was helpless. One by one the chairs scatted across the deck floor and splashed into the lake. The other half of the boat gently sunk but my half was still afloat. Maybe I had a chance.

Just then another crack. The boat cracked into another three pieces. That’s it. This is the end. I'm never going to meet my mum ever again and I will never be able to tell her how much I love her and what she means to me.

The boat tilted and I slid across the floor.  I clung to the edge as tightly as I could. It was no use. I had to let go.


As I drifted into the water I thought about Sam. What had happened to him? Where was he? My lungs gasped for air, but there was none. My brain felt dizzy and everything was a blur. I tried to swim up to the surface but my hands and feet were tied together. I had no energy left in me, so I gave up trying and let my body go.

It was quite peaceful under water. No noise. No people. Just me. My chest tightened and I realized that my life was ending. My last thoughts were not about my mum but instead they were about Sam. I had only known him for a day but I knew I was starting to fall in love with him.

And then everything went black... I felt something touch me from behind, but it was probably my imagination.

Sam’s P.O.V

As soon as I heard the bang I jumped into the water. I knew it was going to be someone shooting at us. You never forget the sound of a gunshot.

In the water all the noise was gone and I only saw thousands of bubbles float towards the surface. That’s how I knew what way to swim towards. I reached the top and gasped for air. In the distance I could hear a girl calling for help. I had heard that voice before. Then I realized. Oh shit, I’ve left Susan onboard. I couldn’t just let her drown. Could I? No.

Right before my eyes I saw the boat crack in half. Poor Susan. Was she still on it?

I swam closer, but before I got there half the boat sunk. Please God don’t let Susan be on that half. I swam over to the remains of the other half, which had split into another three pieces. This was a nightmare. I climbed onto a floating piece on deck in the water. I could just make out Susan’s face clinging on the edge of the boat. Thank God she’s alive.

For some reason she just let go. “Noooo!” I yelled as loud as I could. Why did she let go?

I dived under the water and swam in her direction. All I could see was bubbles. Please let me find her alive keep repeating itself over and over in my head. Why did I care so much for this girl that I had only just met and was going to give to Zalagon? I had no answers but I carried on swimming anyway.

Suddenly the bubbles cleared and I saw a girl sinking to the bottom of the river. Was it her?

I swam down and pulled her to the surface. It was Susan. Not sure if she was breathing though. I dragged her to the river bank and tossed her body on the ground. She felt limp. I was too late.

I sat next to her and felt her pulse. Nothing. She was so beautiful. Her long brown hair was perfect and she had lovely tanned skin from where she had been living out here so long. She was also very skinny but still managed to have curves. She was perfect. I began to cry. I didn’t know what it was but I had developed feelings for this girl laying beneath me. Dead.

I still might have time to bring her back to life. I bent down and pressed my lips against hers. She felt so cold. I breathed into her mouth, being her lungs for her. I clamped my hands together and pushed on her chest. I had no clue if I was doing this right or not. I carried on breathing in her mouth and pushing on her chest.

Nothing was happening.

I started to cry harder. I never meant for her to die.

I stopped breathing for her. I had got to her too late. It was all my fault. If I had never jumped off and left her she wouldn’t be dead right now. Why did I feel like this towards her? She was just another slave. But to me she was more...

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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