Chapter 4 - Susan + Sam

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Chapter 4 – Susan's P.O.V

What’s that noise? I can hear crying. How can I hear anything if I'm dead?

Suddenly my lungs gasped for air and my body surged forward. My eyes opened in shock. My body fell back to the ground and I was laying on some grass coughing.

“Susan?” a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned my head to see Sam crying.

“You saved me?” I asked.

“Of course I did” he said as his face filled with relief.

“But why?”

“Just because I kidnapped you doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings. I would never be able to live with myself if you died.” He looked so sad and in pain but I didn’t have the energy to wrap my arms around him and give him a hug. Instead my body surged forward again and I coughed up a ton of water.

He moved closer and rubbed my back. It was so relaxing. It made me feel special that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if I died. Did he love me too?

I spluttered and started coughing up blood. “I’m so sorry I left you on the boat.” I could hear in his voice that he really meant it. Was that why he was crying?

“Why were you crying?” I asked trembling.

“Well...Um...I told you I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if someone died because of me.” I could tell he was lying, but I ignored it. His hand was still rubbing my back and it slowly moved itself and wrapped around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder.

“Your freezing. You need to get out of those clothes.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, shocked by the words that just came out from his mouth.

“Your clothes will just keep you wet and you’ll freeze to death. You need to get out of them straight away.” He sounded serious.

He took off his shirt revealing his glorious muscles. My knees went weak and I could barely stand. Act cool Susan. “Here” he said throwing me his shirt. He walked over and un-tied me.

“Look away while I change then” I said, still stunned by his body.

He turned his back to me. I pulled my jeans down, making sure he weren’t looking. What am I thinking. Why would he look at me anyway? Then I pulled my shirt off and threw his on. It was enormous on me but at least it covered my knickers, otherwise that would be embarrassing. “I'm done” I said chattering.

He turned round and smiled. “You look nice in men’s clothes” he said sarcastically, looking me up and down. I felt flattered. Kinda.

“Why thank you” I replied, bowing.

He laughed. Once again making my knees go weak. He bent back down and tied me up again. “I'm going to go get some firewood” he said sternly, becoming in charge.

“Yes, sir” I replied as he walked away.

Sam's P.O.V

As I walked away to get some wood I couldn’t help but think about how pretty Susan was and that I almost killed her. I had never felt this way about anyone before. She made me feel like, me. I had to be this big tough guy around everyone else but with her I could just relax.

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