Chapter 14 - Sam + Susan

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Authors note: I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone that is reading this story. I couldn't believe it went up nearly 500 reads overnight and I am extremley grateful to everyone, so thank you all and I hope you enjoy the next chapter but it is quite sad :( 

Chapter 14 – Sam’s P.O.V

I watched Susan run away into the distance. It didn’t matter to me that I would probably die. All I cared about was that she was safe.

Five soldiers ran up to me and stood beside my body. When they stopped dust blew in my face and I started coughing, vigorously. One of them picked the concrete block up from my back and threw it on the ground next to me.

He yanked me up so that I was standing and I screamed in pain.

“Man up, boy!” yelled a very tall man with a beard.

I lifted my hand to my cheek to find that my whole face was wet. Was it the fact that I was in pain from my back or the pain of leaving Susan?

“What’s your name, boy?” asked the bearded man.

I had to lie. They couldn’t find out that I was one of them. If they did, I had no chance.

“My names Liam” I groaned.

“And how old are you Liam?” he asked.

I gulped. “24” I lied.

“You’re looking pretty young for 24” stated the man. He was obviously the leader of his group, like I used to be.

“Eh” I mumbled.

“What do we do with him, sergeant?” asked a younger, blonde man.

“Tie him up of course!” shouted bearded man and with that the blonde man pulled a piece of rope from his pocket and walked behind me. He tied my hands together around my back and pushed me forward so I fell to the ground.

“Don’t you think he’s a little weak to be a new recruit?” asked the blonde haired man.

“Yes” replied the bearded leader. “Let’s take him back to Zalagon and ask him whether we should kill him or train him. He knows best.”

Susan’s P.O.V

I had been running for maybe an hour or two. No matter how far I ran I would never forget about what had just happened. Sam was my life now and to just leave him took every drop of power I had.

Sam was the love of my life. My only true love. My heart belonged to him, every last piece of it. The more I ran the more painful the hole in my chest got.

I fell to the floor and gripped the dusty mud. I let every last tear pour out of me and I screamed in agony. I would never see him again. How could I just leave him?

“Sam!” I screamed, but no one would hear me. I was lying on the floor in the middle of nowhere.

I pushed my hand against the empty hole where my heart used to be and I couldn’t imagine how I could go on. A life without Sam wasn’t worth living for.

Sam’s P.O.V

We had been walking for a very long time. My back ached with a thumping pain. I couldn’t stop thinking about Susan. Where was she? Was she safe? Did she need help?

My life was meaningless now. I thought about begging them to kill me. It would be better than living what I had left of my life regretting letting her leave.

We finally stopped walking and the bearded man turned to look at me. “We’re going to set up camp now” he announced.

All of the other men pulled pieces of cloth and rope out of their backpacks and started to put up tents.

“Now, boy” whispered the leader. “We need to go over some rules”

I nodded and stared at him.

“Rule number one, if you try to escape, we will kill you.”

I gulped.

“Rule number two, don’t ask for food or drink because you aren’t getting any.”

I nodded, again. I didn’t want to speak in case he didn’t want me to.

“And rule number 3, be quiet. I don’t want to hear you blabbing on about random shit. Is that clear?”

I nodded.

“Answer me boy! Is that clear?” he yelled.

“Yes, sir!” I replied.

“Good” he said while revealing an evil grin.


The sky was pitch black with thousands of beaming stars staring at me and all the soldiers were in their tents. They had tied my hands around a tree stump and I was slumped on the ground.

I stared up in to the sky and looked at the beautiful moonlight. Wherever Susan was, she would be seeing the same moon and breath taking stars. I felt one lonesome tear escape my eye and slide down my cheek. I loved her with all my heart.

There was a rustling coming from one of the tents and I looked back down. The blonde haired man was coming out of his tent. He walked over to me and sat down.

“Be extremely quiet” he whispered.

I nodded.

“My name is Lucas”

I was confused. What was he doing? Why did I need to know his name?

“I want to help you.” He said. “I haven’t always been a soldier. I was just like you.” His eyes started to fill with tears and I actually felt really sorry for him. “One day I was taking a walk with my girlfriend and some soldiers came and took her from me. It was the worst experience of my whole life, knowing what was going to happen to her.”

Another tear escaped my eye. I knew exactly how he felt.

“That’s why I’m going to help you. I’m going to try and help you escape but you need to do exactly what I say.”

I nodded. “Thank you” I whispered.

I felt so sorry for him. What was left of my heart shattered into pieces and my stomach started to bubble with revenge. I was going to kill Zalagon, one way or another. He was going to die and feel the pain that he had caused everyone else.

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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