Chapter 16 (part 2) - Susan

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Authors Note: I'm back and here is the second half of chapter 16 :)

Chapter 16 ( Part 2 ) – Susan

Days had pasted and nothing had happened. All we did was walk and sleep, walk and sleep, walk and sleep. My headaches were gone and I felt slightly healthier.

I hadn’t said a single word to the soldiers. They hadn’t spoken to me. I just had a huge man carrying me all the way to make sure I wouldn’t escape.

It was getting dark and I knew we would be stopping soon so that they could sleep and then we would get back to walking early in the morning.

I was so tired and I could barely keep my eyes open. My eyelids slowly fell shut and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to find myself being carried into a concrete building. The soldiers yanked open a steel door and we strolled inside. I lifted my head to see a large room filled with women on either side. I gulped. They were all filthy and chained to the wall.

The man carrying me stopped walking and threw me to the ground.

“Don’t throw her around!” yelled a deep voice.

I looked up and there he was. Zalagon. The leader of this whole thing. I stared straight into his eyes to see some kind of pain or suffering from what he was doing, but I saw nothing. Just a blank expression.

He turned his head and looked deep into my eyes.

He looked about 50 years old and had dark brown eyes, plump pink lips, tangled brown hair and olive skin. He also had a large build.

He kept staring in my eyes and I dropped my head to the floor. He was extremely patronising.

It was completely silent and I felt the watch of every woman’s eyes on me. Zalagon’s feet suddenly appeared on the floor in front of my face and my heart did an extra beat.

His hand reached down and took hold of my chin. He yanked my head up to look at him. He bent down and was face to face with me.

“I like this one” he stated. “I’m going to keep her for my own pleasure.”

He pulled me up from the ground and started to untie me. “Men!” he yelled. “Lead us to my chamber”

I gulped. He was making me his own personal prostitute.

One of the soldiers opened the door and we walked out, leaving all the women chained to the walls inside. They slammed the door behind us and we were standing in a long corridor.

Zalagon turned to one of his soldiers. “I have a room of men waiting for their pick. Proceed in bringing them here and letting them in to choose their women” he whispered, loudly.

The soldier walked off into a different room and we continued to walk down the corridor. All of those poor women were going to be sexual abused and so was I. I let one single tear escape my eye and I wished that Sam was with me. I needed him more than anything in the whole world.

We reached the end of the corridor and Zalagon and I walked through a large door.

I looked behind me. All of the soldiers stayed outside and the enormous door fell shut.

I looked forward. We were in the biggest room I had ever seen. It was filled with gold curtains, gold sofas, gold cushions, gold carpets; everything was different shades of gold, and in the middle of the room was a huge blood red bed covered in rose petals. It would have been the most romantic thing ever if I was with Sam.

Zalagon took a step forward and spun round to look at me. “That room over there” he said while pointing to a small door within the room. “Is filled with makeup, clothes, food and drink. Everything you need to be as pretty as can be” he smiled.

I slowly dragged my feet into the other room, shut the door and fell to the floor crying.

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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