Chapter 15 - Susan + Sam + Lucas

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Authors note: Sorry I haven't uploaded in about 2 weeks guys but I have been busy and not had much time to write. I should be able to write some more chapters quicker because it's the summer holiday now so I have a lot more time to write :)

I have written part of this chapter in Lucas's P.O.V because you guys were asking me about him and I did say I would write from his P.O.V. I will also write some more of the story from his P.O.V because it can give you more detail on him and more understanding of how he feels and stuff :P

Thanks for reading/ commenting/ voting/ fanning xxx

Chapter 15 - Susan’s P.O.V

I awoke to find myself lying on the ground in the pouring rain. I sat up and looked around. No Sam. Not a surprise really. I lifted my hand to my face. It felt stiff from tears. I must have cried myself to sleep.

Then I remembered. I was on my own. Lost. Alone.

I stood up and a shooting pain raced through my head. Another extreme headache. When would these end?

I fell back to the floor in agony. I could feel my heavy heartbeat in my brain. It felt as if it would explode and I clawed at my head in pain. I yanked my hair and screamed out for help. No one was around and I needed to keep plodding on.

I stood up and balanced myself. I needed to carry on.

I stumbled.

I fell.

I got back up.

I stumbled.

Whatever it took. I would find Sam again. One day.

Sam’s P.O.V

We had been walking since sunrise. It was completely silent. Everything was peaceful and I actually had time to take in the beauty of the Earth. I also had time to think about what Lucas had told me last night. He had said that when the time was right, we would both sneak away and escape. I wasn’t too sure that I could trust him but he was the only hope I had left.

We had seemed to be walking for miles and miles and yet we hadn’t seen anything, at all. My legs were starting to ache and I was almost tripping over my own feet. I was parched and starving. I was given no food, No drink. Nothing.

I looked up to the sky and the sun temporary blinded me. Once my sight cleared from white to colour, I looked at the clear blue sky.

“Please God, Let Susan be safe” I whispered. “She’s my everything. Please, let her be safe.”

Lucas’s P.O.V

I looked over to Sam. He looked so pathetic and sad. Every piece of my heart hoped that his Susan was fine. If she wasn’t, I would never forgive myself. I know what it’s like to have loved and lost someone. It’s the worst feeling in the world. Nothing hurts more than knowing that your loved ones are hurting inside.

I slowed down and walked over to Sam.

“Here” I said while pulling my bottle of water from my backpack. “You need it”

“Thank you” he whispered.

I unscrewed the lid and held the bottle to his mouth. His hands were still tied behind his back and there was no way he could do it himself. His Adams apple bobbed up and down as he took massive gulps.

“I’m sorry I did this to you” I said with pleading eyes. I wanted him to forgive me. I needed him to for my sake.

He pulled away from the drink and stared at me. “I know you are” he croaked.

I smiled and gently gave him a friendly pat on the back. We were in this together now.

Susan’s P.O.V

I wandered around the empty land searching for something, anything.

Everywhere I looked. Nothing.

This is not how I imagined my life to turn out. I would have never thought that I would get kidnapped, fall in love, survive a bombing, get a concussion and lose it all.

This was not how it was meant to be.

My life was a mess. A total mess.

But, you have to look on the bright side of life. You never know what could happen…

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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