Chapter 7 - Sam

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Chapter 7 – Sam’s P.O.V

I felt water drip on my face. I opened my eyes and remembered what had happened. I was laying and I couldn’t move. I gripped the metal bar and threw it to the side of my body. I felt stronger than before, maybe that black out gave me the rest I needed.

I stood up and wobbled slightly. Once I got my balance I turned around looking for Susan.

“Susan! Can you hear me?” I yelled.  “Susan!”

“Sam.” I saw her stick an arm out of the rubble. I ran towards her and took hold of her hand. I  removed the rubble that was covering her and pulled her up. I was holding her in my arms.

“Are you ok?” I asked, worrying.

“My head” she whispered. I looked down at her head. It wasn’t bleeding but it had been. Her hair was dried into hard clumps and her face had blood smeared over it. Even looking like that she looked beautiful.

I had to get her some help. I looked around to see somewhere or someone to help her. The whole town was rubble and a mess.

“Susan I don’t know what to do. The whole town is ruined. You can’t even call it a town anymore it’s just a pile.” My voice broke halfway through and I felt like I was going to cry. I couldn’t help her.

“Sam” I looked down at her face. “Don’t worry I feel fine, my head is ok now. It doesn’t hurt.”

“I’m not letting you walk Susan. You could have a concussion” I protested.

She didn’t say anything so I started to walk around looking for anything that wasn’t ruined or anyone that was alive.

After a while I found myself back at the river’s edge. I was confused and I didn’t have a clue what to do.

“Hey!” someone yelled from behind me.

I turned around and there was an old man standing bent over a few feet away. “Hey, are you ok?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Don’t you worry about me” he said

“Do you know what happened?” I asked.

“Well, it started when the storm hit us.” He said. This sounded like a long story. “The storm was very violent and our town started to flood slightly. Then someone set a bomb off at the furthest end of town and here. It was best if you were in the centre.” I felt so lucky that Susan and I were in that hotel. We could of died. “The bombs destroyed the whole town, as you can see. He started to tear up. “I lost my home and family”

“I am so sorry” I felt awkward and uncomfortable.

“Now, now that’s enough. Don’t you worry about me, your girl needs help.”

I nodded.

“A few miles up there” he said while pointing left along the river. “There should be a small hospital”

“Oh thank you” I said politely.

“Now go boy! Get her some help!” he yelled

I ran alongside the river still carrying Susan. I soon got out of breath and had to slow down. I walked around looking for the hospital but there was nothing in site. All I could see were dirt and a few trees. All I thought was that the old man was lying.

I looked down and saw that Susan was asleep so I kept a steady pace trying not to wake her. I wondered who had sent the bombs. Was it Zalagon trying to get me? No, it couldn’t be. Could it?

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts because in the distance I could see a building and a border that said ‘Hospital’. It didn’t look too clean but this was the best it was going to get.

I arrived at the front door of the hospital. Susan was still sleeping in my arms. She looked like an angel. I prayed to God that she would be healthy and well. I pushed the door open and walked inside.

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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