Chapter 10 - Susan

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Authors Note: I know, I know this chapters short but I will update in the next couple days. Ok? 

Anyway Thanks guys for reading :P 

Oh and also I dedicate this chapter to Nannon_1D because in maths we were talking about this story and while I was talking to her I had a good idea for the next chapter or so, so that's why it's dedicated to her. Thanks for the idea, even though you may not know what the idea you gave me was.....Anyway THANK YOU! xxx

Ok, continue your reading. (I don't why but while I wrote 'continue your reading' I said it in a really deep voice in my head) Lol, don't worry about me if you think that's weird. That's just me xxx

Chapter 10 – Susan’s P.O.V

I was woken by a drop of water on my nose. I opened my eyes to see that Sam was still asleep with his arms wrapped around me. I sat up a little and pain shot through my head. That’s perfect, another thumping headache.  I looked up to the sky. It was raining. Just great, so far it didn’t seem like this day was going to go very well.

Sam’s eyes flickered and opened. He released his grip of me and rolled over onto his back.

“Good morning” he yawned.

“Hi, are you still tired?” I asked, since he yawned. People yawn when they wake up but I was still tired and was hoping we could go back to sleep.

“Nope” he said popping the ‘p’

He jumped up and stretched his hand out to help me up. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself onto my feet. I stumbled and he steadied me.

“You alright?” he asked.

“Yeah” I whispered. What was wrong with me? I kept getting headaches and losing my balance. Was this symptoms of my concussion?

I took his hand and we started to walk, again. All we seemed to be doing was walking.

“We need to hurry up. It’s starting to rain and we don’t know how far ahead the next town is” mumbled Sam. I could tell he knew I wasn’t my normal self and he didn’t want to push me too much.

“Let’s hurry then” I said while grinning. I pulled on his hand and ran ahead, dragging him behind me.

He smiled and jogged along behind me. Phew. That was close. I didn’t think it would be that hard to keep him from knowing about the concussion.

After several minutes of running I felt like I was going to die. My headache had grown a lot worse and everything around me was spinning. I didn’t even know where I was running. I couldn’t see anything clearly.

I suddenly tripped on something and tumbled to the ground. As I fell I released Sam’s hand and rolled along the ground. Sam ran over to me and knelt down beside me.


I gently rubbed my eyes. I pulled my hands away from my face and everything became clear again. I laughed and sat up.

“Oh thank God you’re alright” mumbled Sam to himself.

I stood up and looked around. I had fallen on dead branch.

Sam stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You need to be more careful” he said sternly.

I laughed. “I’m fine” I moaned. He was treating me like his daughter. Cringy.

He rested his head against mine and closed his eyes. This was SO romantic. It was just like in the movies. We were both standing in the rain, hugging. Now we just had to kiss.

He opened his eyes again and turned his head to the side. This was it. I would remember this moment for the rest of my life. A lovely memory.

His head got closer and I closed my eyes. A second later his lips were against my cheek and then moved towards my ear. He stopped with his lips hovering over my ear.

“Look after yourself” he whispered.

I opened my eyes and he was already walking ahead of me. I just stood there standing in the pouring rain.

“Hey!” I yelled.

He turned around and looked at me. “What?” he asked, sarcastically.

“You know what” I moaned. “You were meant to kiss me” I whined.

He laughed and ran back to me.

He connected his hands around the back of my neck and pressed his lips against mine. Now this was romantic. Every inch of my body felt warm and fluttery. I pressed my lips harder against his and rested both my hands on his bum. I hooked my thumbs into his back pockets and smiled. He pulled away and smiled back at me.

I was loving my life right now. It was amazing. He was amazing.

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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