Chapter 8 - Sam + Susan

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Authors Note: Sorry this chapter is short AGAIN. I did write about another page but I thought this was a better place to end this chapter.

Enjoy x

And thanks for reading, I appreciate it! xxx

Chapter 8 – Sam's P.O.V

I was sitting in the hospital’s waiting room. An hour had already past and Susan was still being seen by the doctor. He had come out once and told me that he would be doing some tests so I’d have to wait a while, but I just thought he’d meant I’d have to wait with her. Not out here on my own. I wanted to know if she was well or not.

This whole thing was my fault. I was too much of a danger towards Susan. If I was a good guy I would take her straight back to her mum after this and I would never see her again, but I’m not a good guy. I love her too much. I wouldn’t be able to let her go unless she ordered me away. That’s why I gave her the decision to decide between her mum or me. I know it’s not a nice thing to do but it had to be done sooner or later.

Now the waiting around is killing me. I have been sitting here praying to God that she will be fine, but sometimes things happen for a reason and you can’t change them. Let’s hope this isn’t one of those times.

“Excuse me sir” I looked up to see the doctor standing in front of me. “Susan is now ready to see visitors.”

“Well, it’s just me, thank you.” I stood up and walked towards Susan’s room.

As soon as I saw Susan she brought a smile to my face. She looked healthy. I walked towards the bed she was laying in and knelt down to her level.

“Sam” she whispered as I took hold of her hand. She squeezed it tightly but she didn’t have much strength and soon dropped her hand back down to her side.

My smile faded. It was killing me to see her like this.

“What did the doctors say?” I asked, nervous.

She smiled gently. “They said there’s nothing to worry about. I’m fine. Just a few bruises.”

I lent forward and kissed her forehead softly.

“Sam” she croaked.


“I choose you” she whispered, almost silent.

“I’m glad because I don’t know what I would do without you Susan.” I gently rubbed my hand over her cheek and moved away a few single hairs.

She was my life.

 Susan’s P.O.V

It was late at night. The doctor insisted I stayed overnight. Sam was sitting in a spare seat in the corner of the room, asleep. I hadn’t told him everything. I told him that I was fine, when really doctor had told me that I did have a concussion.

My head was thumping and the room was spinning. I couldn’t get to sleep.

I just couldn’t tell Sam. He would worry too much. The doctor said that it could last for about 2 weeks and that I shouldn’t do anything too energetic or anything that could cause me stress. 2 weeks is no big deal. I can hide this from Sam, no problem.

I suddenly burst out in tears. They came flooding from my eyes like a waterfall. Why am I crying? Everything WILL be fine. Sam and I have already been through so much. This little thing wouldn’t change anything, hopefully.

I tried to get to sleep but a million thoughts spun around my dizzy head. I couldn’t concentrate on anything and my mind felt like it was going to explode.

© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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