Chapter 2 - Susan

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Chapter 2 – Susan

As my kidnapper was dragging me away from my life I saw the lake ahead of us. There was a massive boat waiting for us. I twisted my head to look behind me. There were only about 5 troops behind us. Where had the hundreds gone? Probably to a different village to kidnap more girls. What they are doing is terrible...

My kidnapper released me when we reached the boat. “Get on” he said sternly. His voice sounded very confident as he threw me to the ground. I looked up and finally saw his face. He was gorgeous. I had never seen anyone like him ever! He only looked about 17-18 years old. He had deep brown eyes, which were hypnotizing and fantastic brown curly hair which he flipped out of his face perfectly. His muscles were fabulous and I felt as though I could just fall into them and lay there forever. He was definitely my type and NOT what I was expecting at ALL. “Get on!” he repeated.

“Oh. Um yes” I obeyed and climbed onboard. He then also climbed onboard followed by the 5 other troops. None of them were anyway near as good looking as mine.

The boat was very dusty and had no roof. I looked around but there was only a few chairs, on which the troops sat ignoring me as though I wasn’t even there. There were no other girls. Only me. I was pushed to the floor from someone behind me. I turned to see my kidnapper. Man, he was LUSH! Wait, what am I thinking. He just kidnapped me and I'm thinking how good looking he is! What’s wrong with me?

He bent down and tied my hands together and my feet together with rope. He was close enough that I could smell him. Wow. He smelt devine. I felt like I had gone to heaven. Susan CALM DOWN! I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was scared that he could hear it.

“Well. Your different from other girls we’ve caught.” His voice was deep and sexy.

“What do you mean?” I asked trembling, still trying to calm myself from his scent.

“Everyone else we’ve caught try to get away from the boat to start with.” He laughed. It was so dreamy. “Then for seconds, you look English. Like me”

“Maybe that’s because I am” I hadn’t realized he was speaking English fluently like me.

“Then why are you here?” He asked.

“Ugh...Long story...”

“Well we’ve got all day” he grinned. What was he smiling about? He just kidnapped me and was smiling at me like we were old friends who hadn’t seen each other in forever.

“Ok, here it goes. My dad came over here when I was about 4 years of age to fight in the war, but my mum never wanted to be far away from him so we moved out here. But he died fighting in the war. I didn’t realize what had happened to him until I was a lot older. Now mum and me are stuck over here because we can’t get the money to get back to England.” Right then I started to cry. It had just sunk in that I was gone.

“Hey, don’t cry.” He bent down and wiped the tears away from my eyes. “I'm sorry your dad died”

“I miss my muuu-um” I mumbled out. He leaned in and hugged me. “Why are you being nice to me?” I asked, confused.

“I never wanted to do this. I hate being in an army, but if I leave Zalagon will get the troops to track me down and kill me. I have no choice.” I let myself fall into his arms. He was so warm and comforting.  I didn’t feel alone.

All I managed out was “Oh...that’s bad” Ugh why did I just say that...

“Ha ha.” He laughed. Once again it was SO dreamy. I had never felt like this before. Is it love? Or is it just nerves?

Hours had past and I was still sitting on the boat tied up. It had already got dark and I was looking up at the stars, thinking. I looked over to see ‘him’. “Hey” I yelled.

“What is it?” He turned round panicking.

“What’s your name?”

“Oh sorry. I forgot I hadn’t told you. My name is Sam.” Sam. Simple but I liked it.

“Mines Susan” I blurted out. Not even realising that he might not want to know my name.

“I know. I remember from when I pulled you away from your mum. She screamed out your name.”

“Oh yeah.” I said remembering what had happened.

He came and sat down next to me. “Sorry I had to tie you up.”

“It’s ok. I guess. At least you didn’t tape my mouth up.” I smiled.

“You have a sweet smile” he whispered, through grinning teeth.

I rested my head on his shoulder. Wow. I can’t believe I just done that. I felt so relaxed with him. My life is completely messed up. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt all tingly inside. What was happening to me?

We both laid down and looked up at the sky. “I get lonely doing this. I'm only 18, I miss my family too. Zalagon shot them all and took me. At first I didn’t know why, but soon it was clear.”

I felt tears well up in my eyes. “That’s so sad. I'm really sorry.” I could see in his eyes that he had experienced pain.

I gradually feel asleep in his arms until I was woken by a loud sound.


© 2012 by purple13. All rights reserved.

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