Chapter 21 - Susan + Sam

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Authors Note: Just wanted to say thank you for reading this and for all the support throughout it. It's sad it's coming to an end but hopefully you won't be disappointed or too sad with my choice of ending and what happens in this chapter. I think there is either one or two chapters left. Then an epilogue. Once again THANK YOU! xxx


Chapter 21 – Susan’s P.O.V

I stood up and threw the pregnancy test in the sink. This baby inside me needed its father. What was I going to do without Sam? I had to find him.

I opened the door and walked back into the bedroom. Eisha had disappeared and the room was silent. I needed to escape. I walked over to the door and opened it. A guard was standing right in front of me.

“Excuse me” I whispered as I patted him on the back. He turned round and stared at me with wide eyes.

“Get back in the room, miss” he groaned.

I thought of an excuse I could use. “I need some fresh air. There’s no window in here.”

“I cannot let you outside” he replied.

“Please” I begged. “I won’t go far.”

“Fine, you can come out here. Stay in my sight” he growled.

I walked out into the corridor. Zalagon had left, probably to go see the two soldiers. I had to get to them. What if it was Sam?

The soldier peered at me. I edged closer and closer to the door at the end of the corridor and yanked at the doorknob. It swung open and I ran through it. I slammed it shut behind me and I heard the soldier yell something but it was just a mumble through the wall. I had entered a large empty room with several doors leading off. I had to think fast. The soldier would catch up to me at any second. I went for the door straight it front of me and I gently closed it behind me. I didn’t want to give the soldier any hints on how to find me.

I turned around to see where I was. Standing in front of me was Zalagon. He was sitting on his chair in the room I was first escorted to. The room where I first saw all the young girls chained up. They were no longer there and I feared the worst for them. Eisha was standing next to Zalagon holding a basket filled with various foods. Zalagon looked shocked.

“And you’re here because?” he roared.

“I needed a walk” I squeaked.

At that moment the soldier bashed through the door behind me. He grabbed me by my hair and started yanking me out the room. I screamed in agony and Zalagon stood up. “Leave her!” he yelled.

The soldier looked taken back and so did I. “She can stay” groaned Zalagon. “Come here Susan”

The soldier released me and I walked over to Zalagon. He sat back down and I stood next to Eisha. “Now go” shouted Zalagon. The soldier scurried out the room and seconds later the door swung open, once again. This time standing in front of me was Sam and a soldier. My heart fluttered and I felt complete once again.

I ran to Sam and wrapped my arms around him. I nestled my head into his neck and he squeezed me tight. I let a few tears fall out and removed my head from his neck. His eyes were wet too.

“You’re covered in bruises” said Sam, angrily.

“Get away from him” roared Zalagon. “Now!”

I didn’t want to make Zalagon angry so I took a step back and then another. Sam looked hurt. I gave him a look and he understood what I was doing. He knew we were in a dangerous position.

“Long time no see” laughed Zalagon while staring at Sam. “You’ve both betrayed me” he said.

Both? Had the other solider helped?

Sam’s P.O.V

I was standing next to Lucas. Anger was bubbling up inside me. I couldn’t believe he had hurt her. She was my everything. How could I have let that happen?

“You’ve hurt her” I groaned.

Zalagon let out a deep, humourless laugh. “I wouldn’t say I hurt her. It was only sex.” He smiled. He knew how to anger me.

My heart felt like it had been ripped out. He’d raped her. He’d hurt all I cared about. I was going to kill him, no matter what.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my gun. I pointed it at Zalagon and smiled. Lucas did the same.

“You’re going to kill me? After you betrayed me, I should be the one killing you!” he shouted.

We stepped forward and I soon had my gun against his neck.

Suddenly a group of soldiers burst through the door. Susan and a servant in the room ran to a corner. Lucas had my back and I heard gun shots behind me. I needed to help him. I kicked Zalagon to the floor and shot down a few soldiers. I got both of them straight through the head. Zalagon had once told me I had the best aim he’d ever seen. I still had my touch.

All the soldiers were dead on the floor and Lucas looked at me. “Sam we need to go. He only has more coming. Two against hundreds doesn’t work out too well” moaned Lucas.

I pointed the gun back to Zalagon who was still lying on the ground. I held out one hand to Susan and she ran over to me. She grabbed it tight and I smiled at her. We stepped back, further and further until we were at the door. “No!” Susan yelled.

“What?” I whispered in her ear.

“I’m not leaving Eisha. She doesn’t deserve to be here” she pleaded for me to help her.

I nodded and Eisha, the servant, run over to me. When she was halfway across the room a gun shot went off. I looked at Lucas next to me. I was shocked. Eisha was on the floor, blood pouring from her head.

“Zalagon’s got a gun!” yelled Lucas. My brain was confused, I’d thought Lucas had shot her. I looked at Zalagon. He was holding a gun and grinning. He’d shot her.

I swung the door open and pushed Susan through it. I turned to run and hide myself. I didn’t have enough time to kill Zalagon and save us. As I turned Lucas screamed behind me.

“SAM!” he cried.

There was another gun shot.

Lucas hit the floor with a thump. Dead.

He had jumped in front of me. He had taken a bullet for me. Lucas was a hero.

I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Everything was a blur. My best friend had just been murdered.

I pushed Susan to the ground and pulled the trigger on my gun. A bullet flew out the end and ended up through the centre of Zalagon’s head. Why didn’t I shoot him earlier before Eisha and Lucas got killed? I had wanted Zalagon to suffer but that plan had disappeared and now it was my fault two innocent people were dead.

There was banging in the corridors beyond us so I grabbed Susan and took her hand. I pulled her through several doors and we emerged outside at the gate. I yanked it open and Susan and I ran for our lives. I didn’t know where I was going. We just needed to escape.

© 2012 purple13. All rights reserved.

My Secret IdentityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora