Truth or Dare: Episode Four; The America's

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Admin: *reads it and snickers* Yo! Jason! (My name for 2p! America) Come read this! *hands it to him*

2P!America: Dammit.... *reads it out loud*

I dare 2p!America *pauses to take bite of hamburger* to eat lunch with America and me at Jonny Rockets, WITHOUT killing one of us :D (he has to eat whatever America orders)


2p!America: No....

Admin: Too bad~~!! *drags him to Jonny Rockets* Alfie~~!! We're here~~!!

America: Alright! I already ordered us burgers *sitting next to @SkittlezNinjah* 

2P!America:....Veggie Burgers??

America: Oh yeah....I forgot....You are a Vegetarian....

2P!America: *twitches*

America: Oh well....Eat up!! *stuffs a burger down his throat*

2P!America: *punches him and leaves*

Admin: Ah.....Well....At least he didn't kill anybody....This time....


Admin: Hehehe~ Don't forget to leave a Truth or Dare for ANY  Hetalia character~ 

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