I Need An Ambulance

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Admin: Could you imagine if there was an ambulance for fans....Like, if you were having a breakdown due to your fandom....Just, imagine. A fanbulance....Or would it be fandombulance?

Prussia Playing Le Operator: You have reached the fandom emergency hotline. What is your emergency?

Admin: *incoherent whale sounds*

Prussia: I see, so, your favorite character on attack on titan died?

Admin: *majestic peacock sounds*

Prussia: I see, we're sending a fanbulance right away. Just hang in there =^=

Admin: and then they'll even help in situations like this:

England Playing Le Operator: You have reached the fandom emergency hotline. What is your emergency?

America: Help! My boyfriend has fallen and he can't get up! ;-;

England: Pick up your poster and calm the f*ck down!

America: *picks up his doctor who poster* yay, you saved him! :D

England: uh huh *hears kissing sounds* wait....are you....Alfred, are you making out with your poster!?


England: ._.

America: ._.

England: Should I send a fanbulance? You sound like you need some help.

America: ........Maybe

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