This is why Hetalia Cant Meet Attack on Titan

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Admin: Could you imagine....If Hetalia met Attack on Titan

Corporal England: Listen up, maggots, we've got an abnormal titan on our hands. I want you to proceed with caution, and, since this is attack on titan, obviously the people with the least amount of screen time are going to get eaten *looks at every hetalia character that's only been in one to three episodes*

Sealand: Oh shoot....

Prussia: So uh....What kind of titan are we dealing with? *thumping could be heard in the distance*

Corporal England: It's a- *the titan appears*

America: GIANT DICK!? OMG, THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!! *laughing*

Germany: this isn't funny!!! *the giant dick is running at them with tiny legs and arms while the song that goes "makin' my way downtown" plays somewhere in the distance*

America: *falls over laughing*

Japan: *nosebleed* we shall call it the yaoi titan

Italy: Veh! Its coming this way!!

Prussia: Oh sweet jolly ranchers....

Corporal England: *kills it* I'm surrounded by idiots

America: I thought you were surrounded by rainbows and sunshine.....*sings* HE-TAAAA-LI-AAAAAAA~~!!!!

Corporal England: =_=

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