My Notes

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England: *finds a notebook* Oh....What's this?? *opens it* ........

France: Oi, what is it??

England: It's....Admin's Fanfiction notebook....The one she writes all her notes and stuff in for Wattpad....

France: Oh~?

Admin: Hey guys-Whoa!! Iggy, what are you doing?! D:

England: *standing by a fireplace with my notebook*

Admin: No, Iggy, stahp!! Put the book down, eyebrows!!

England:.... *drops it in the fire* That's what you get for calling me eyebrows....

Admin: D: You monster!! *rolls around and sobs in a pool of my own tears* I need those to write!!

England: Ops~ 

Admin: Is this a creative way to say that I have writers block?? Yeah....I think so XD

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