10. The Night

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Note: Listen to "A Sky Full Of Stars" by Coldplay while reading this.


As the night stars twinkle and shine

I sit here under the moon light.

I hear the wind hum

And the moon and stars tell their tales.

For the first time,darkness felt not empty anymore.

The sky was as beautiful as the stories told.

Little by little I sink into my dream.

I let the night fall with me

Under it's dark wings I fall into deep sleep.

-Pink Poet


A/N: Hello guys! I hope you loved this poem too!
The Night sky fascinated me always. I always admired how the death of stars could make the sky so beautiful. I admired how the sky made you believe in fairy tales.

P.S. I was going to suggest 4 'o'clock by RM and V from BTS. It's the most beautiful thing. You can check it out!

Anyways thank you for reading.
Keep sharing and voting!
Thank you xoxo

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