42. Madness

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Note: Listen to 'COFFIN' by Jessie Reyes and Eminem while reading this.


I do not mention 'love'
When I write about you
Because I was driven
Toward you by the pain.

There was a madness
In the love that I felt
It wasn't the one for the books
It wasn't meant to be preached.
But there was divine
Comfort in it, that I am yet to define.

My body, my heart
My soul ached together
In the absence and presence.
I kept losing
Even when I wasn't at the war.

When they say
'I'll love you till the end'
They never mention
Sometimes you take
Them to death with you.

You run miles,
Search high and low
In hopes to find them
So you could break
Cut off your oxygen
Fall in each other's arms
And flatline together.

I romanticize pain, they say
Can you blame me
For loving madness
When all I have done
Is live in it?

- Pink Poet



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