30. My Legacy

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Note: Listen to "Reforget" by Lauv while reading this.


I am your poison, said my mind.
Soaked to the core,
Nothing but a bitter truth rushing
through your veins.
I whisper in your ear when
the world is quiet;
So lonely your nights are.

I lay beside you and scream till
your tears withered.
And you thought the knife could
muffle my screams?
I was deep in you, ripping your
soul from the body.

On the walks in the empty street,
I ran shivers down your spine;
And you thought running faster could
Save you from them?
I was behind those eyes, when
you lied, with a smile.

Those warm baths, you played with the soap bubbles
I was the fear, that crawled in your skin and choked you.
And you thought the fire could
scare me away?

There were days, I would watch you
Sway your head to the music,
your heart calm
I would sit back and think
How little you were.
So what will break you sooner
Before you grow out of me?

I remember every dark moment.
I remember the blood, the tears
And even those that weren't yours.
So I gave you a gun
You could either shoot yourself
Or save yourself.
And little fool always fell for it and
Killed the souls of people
that loved you.

This is your legacy.
Broken hearts, tears and pain.
And there is no one that can save you.
'Cause I am you;
Can you tell me apart from yourself?

- Pink Poet


There are so many running from something in their lives. Scared to face the harsh moments in life, the pain that will break you.
So we run, to save ourselves. Find escape in things or humans.

But what if the thing we are running from is our own mind. What if it's the voice in your head constantly telling you that you ain't worth it?
It's the same voice you have to fight everyday.
So you cover your ears, close your eyes and hope it ends.  Hope that everything goes quiet. But the voice never goes away. And everyday you lose a little piece of yourself.
How can you win the war against your own mind?

Thank you for reading this poem.
And if I have connected to even one person with this, it really means a lot to me. And know that everything has it's end. And all of this will go away. All you need to be is patient and faithful to yourself.

Thank you xoxo

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