38. Coffee Shop

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Note: Listen to 'J'ai perdu mon corps' by Dan Levy while reading this.

The aroma of brewing coffee filled the air
As the doors slid to make way
In the coffee shop.
This was a place where our stories were written
On a chalkboard menu
That dictated the prophecy
Of two broken souls finding home.

As the sips of coffee drowned my mind
I found myself at the sea
In a tiny boat that we built together.

Your eyes loved the ocean
While mine dreamed of the stars above.
My wings cocooned; couldn't fly away
To a faraway galaxy where my soul nested.

The days felt endless, with no land to rest
As the sea kept bringing us back to the storm.
But now it feels like I'm alone
Trying to save us.

Those breathless moments of roving
Through the clashing tides
While the moon played hide and seek
With the rising waves.
Those sleepless nights, aligning the stars
To find a way back and end this journey.

But the sea was a puzzle that needed to be solved
A mystery driving the sailors insane
A lie told to the weak.

My body was broken
My heart damaged
My soul anointed.
And it was far too late to realize
You were the storm
And I kept circling it.
The boat was thrashed
Nothing was left intact.
I drifted on a log for days
Thirsty and hungry
I thought I'll die
Be food for another creature.

The barista calling your name
Woke me up from the trance
Back to the soothing ambiance of the café.
My wandering gaze met yours
The golden-hued drink in my hand, cold now
Said to me, its time to let go.
My legs walked to the door
Taking in one last breath
Before walking out.

In that coffee shop
I left my storm behind.

- Pink Poet


To understand the story better read
Part 17 - My Hero
Part 21 - The Ghost

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