48. Aftertaste

139 9 2

Note: Listen to 'Mind Games' by Sickick while reading this.


I have set my eyes on you
And my friends say
They love when I describe you
For it elicits emotions in me
That never seemed to exist before.

The first time my fingertips
Grazed your skin
And you met my gaze
There was no saving you.

I'll claw into, fill you up
With my darkness
And if you are too weak to take it
I will engulf you until you are
Nothing of this world.

Yet you wonder if
I'll strap a chain around my neck
And cry like a human for you
But these blood thirsty eyes
Were never quenched by tears.

There is greed in me
Fueled by sinister desires
Born from a trench in my soul
With monstrous darkness
That'll leave a bitter aftertaste
On your lips.

- Pink Poet



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