23. The Atlantis

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Note: Listen to "Scared to be lonely" cover by Grace Grundy while reading this.


Banished from the world
I drifted away
Became a part of something more.
As the ocean engulfed the land,
Nothing was left dry
Nothing was left alive.
A desert under the ocean
Removed from the maps;
The land begged for mercy.

Submerged into the ocean,
Sheltered from the sun's rays,
Hidden from the velvet moon,
In this deep dark abyss,
I found my home.

My Atlantis was cursed
To be never found.
On this ethereal land of nothing
I slayed my monsters,
I built the paradise;
A strong fortress protecting my treasure
From being hunted again.

You were a Pirate
Feared on the land and the sea,
Searching in the trenches of the ocean
To find the place that has become
a myth.
You wanted a home in Atlantis
You wanted it to be your safe haven
Amidst the wilderness,
To be part of something that was mine.
But would you Drown to be with me?

- Pink Poet




We all have our own Paradise, our very own Atlantis, hidden away from the world. It treasures our beautiful memories, it treasures the moments with people we care about. The cruel world has made it sink deeper and deeper into the ocean of our soul. Find it before you lose it.

My Atlantis has become my book. I swim into my thoughts to reach for it.
What is your Atlantis?

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