Chapter 2 ✅

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Night: Russia
Silensky Plaza, 3rd Floor­ 🕊

In an abandoned warehouse, Natasha Romanoff and Alexandra Jean 'AJ' Barton is being interrogated by some thugs.

(AJ's Outfit👆)

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(AJ's Outfit👆)

The leader backhands Natasha in the face, making her grunt and turn her head to AJ, almost touching her shoulder. AJ's sitting next to her on her left, Natasha flicks her hair back, facing the man again.

The leader named Georgi Luchkov says in Russian, "This is not how I wanted this night to go."

AJ tells him in Russian, "I know how you wanted this night to go. Believe me, this is better."

Luchkov smirks a bit, speaking in Russian, "Who are you two working for? Lermentov, yes?" Two men on either side of them, grab their chairs and tilts them back a bit threatening manner to push them of the ledge, making them gasp in fright, "Does he really think that we'll have to go through him to move our cargo?" Noticing now the girls have no shoes on.

Natasha responds in Russian as the two men holding their chairs back, lean them back to the ground so they are sitting normally again, "I thought General Solohob is in charge of the export business?"

Luchkov chuckles humorously, tells them in Russian, "Solohob? A bagman, a front. Your outdated information betrays you." He walks closer, "The famous Black Widow and Crystal Dove, they turn out to be simply another pretty face."

AJ asks in Russian, "You really think we're pretty?"

Luchkov doesn't answer her, just casually walks over to a table as the two men on either side of them, grabs a hold of their faces and force their mouths open, Luchkov says in Russian, "Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks. Tell him he is out. Well..." Picks up a tool from the table and turns his head to them and says the next sentence in English, "You may have to write it down." They grunt in pain because of the two thug's grip on their jaws.

Suddenly, the thug on AJ side, his phone rings, he lets go of her and takes it out of his pocket, looks at it confused and answers it in English, "Hello?" He listens for a second then looks at Luchkov and tells him in Russian, "It's for them." Luchkov drops the tools on the table and grabs the phone as it was handed to him.

Luchkov says into the phone angrily in Russian, "You listen carefully-" The other thug on Natasha's side lets go of her face.

He gets cut off by Agent Coulson's voice, "You're at 1-14 Silensky plaza, 3rd floor We have an F-22 exactly 8 miles out. Put both women on the phone, or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." Luchkov a little scared by the threat but quickly hides it and walks forward and places the cell phone against AJ's right ear as she's tied to a chair with her hands behind her back along with Natasha who can also listen in the phone call, "We need you both to come in."

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