Chapter 12 ✅➕➖

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Same Scene:
Outside - The Lab / Hallway

Fury walks out the room to the hallway, demanding in his earpiece, "Romanoff? Barton?"

Lower Equipment Room­ 🕊

Natasha/Black Widow, AJ/Crystal Dove and Bruce, all landed hard on the ground. AJ between Natasha and Bruce. Natasha's foot is trapped with her struggling to get it out, puts her hand on her earpiece and says, "We're okay." She looks over to see a semi-conscious AJ who is also laying on her left side facing Nat, then looks over to Bruce who's breathing heavy. He's gripping the grated floor to maintain control but his eyes are green, his face intense. Natasha/Black Widow says quietly to herself as she looks at him, "I'm okay. We're okay, right?" (AJ's Outfit, Same From Chapt 6)

Helicarrier Deck

The aircraft-carrier now landed on the helicarrier, Clint/Hawkeye leads his men into the air ducts of the ship, he gestures to one of them to the air duct and he stands aside as one of his men run up and kick the grate down. They rappel down into a corridor. Clint/Hawkeye the last one to go in and orders his men, "Keep that engine down!"

Clint's man #1 obeys, "Yes, sir."

Clint/Hawkeye continues, "Detention, wait for cameras to go dark."

Clint's man #2 also obeys, "Got it."

Clint/Hawkeye starts to walk away, "Stay close." Two of his men follow him. They head towards the Bridge.

Inside: Helicarrier
Hallway­ ⌨️

Tony, Amy and Cap run through a dim, debris filled hall as people run around. (Amy's Outfit, Same From Chapt 8)

Tony turns to Steve/Captain America as they continue to walk, "Find engine 3. We'll meet you there."

Cap continues to run down the hallway as Tony and Amy turn and walk down a different hallway and approaches a tech room.

Tech Room ⌨️

Inside, both siblings walk casually towards the end of the room, and take out their Stark phones and Amy presses a button and big metal doors opens revealing Tony's Iron Man suit and Amy's Ruby suit, they both press a button on their phones and their suits power up.

Lower Equipment Room🕊

On Bruce's face in the dim light as he struggles to suppress the rage but his face is hidden as it's growing, changing slowly.

Natasha/Black Widow still trying to pull herself painfully free but failing while talking to Bruce, "Doctor... Bruce, you gotta fight it." She breathing heavily.

AJ/Crystal Dove now conscious and hears what Natasha said and she slowly rolls on her back painfully and grunts lowly and tells him, "This is just what Loki wants." She grunts in pain again.

Natasha/Black Widow continues, "We're gonna be okay. Listen to me."

Two approaching SHIELD soldiers arrive to check on them, one of them asking, "Are you hurt?"

AJ/Crystal Dove turns her head to them, still on her back recovering as both women furiously waves them away and the two agents bolt out of there. Natasha/Black Widow continues, "We're going to be okay. All Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never-" As she was saying that AJ/Crystal Dove slowly sits up and crawls closer to her and narrows her eyes at Nat in confusion as she listens to her.

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