Chapter 17 ✅🤺➕

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Same Scene: Day
Stark Tower - Balcony🏹

Loki walks onto the balcony-Iron Man landing and materializes in his gold armor and helmet as the sounds of the Chitauri rings out, he admires the havoc around him.

Sue runs up the stairs and shouts at him, "Loki, stop this!" (Sue's Outfit, Same From Chapt 14)

Loki quickly turns around to Sue and points his scepter at her, "Sue stop or I'll fire." Sue stops and looks at him in disbelief.

Sue pleads, "Please Loki, stop this." Tears forming in her eyes. Loki looks at her and barely shakes his head.

Thor lands on the Tower balcony below them and Loki turns to him as Sue just looks at Thor, "Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor in full armour.

Loki points his scepter to Thor, "You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war."

Thor says angrily, "So be it."

Loki yells in anger and jumps down, slamming his scepter down at Thor who steps back and dodges it, making Loki land and hit the scepter on the floor. Thor hits back with his hammer, making a clinking sound as it hits the scepter instead of Loki. Thor takes a step back as Loki swings his sceptre at him and ducks when he swings again. Loki swings the scepter to the back on his shoulders and fires at Thor who blocks it with his hammer. They swing at each other again, both blocking the swings while firing, making the blast target down at the Stark sign, losing the 'K' and 'R'.

Manhattan Street ⌨️

People screaming and running, soldiers and cops have taken positions covering the streets. They get out of their cars and look up to see from the sky, Tony/Iron Man and Amy/Ruby separately leading a trail of Chitauri behind them, towards the Tower.


The Quinjet booms into the city.

Natasha/Black Widow's voice informs them, "Starks, we're on your three headed northeast."

Inside: Tony's Suit

Tony asks sarcastically, "What? Did you stop for drive-through?"

Inside: Amy's Suit ⌨️

Amy rolls her eyes at his remark and tells them, "Swing up park. We're going to lay them out for you."

Sky: Near The Stark Tower⌨️

Amy/Ruby banks around the Tower with some Chitauri behind her.

Thor and Loki still fighting.

Tony/Iron Man swoops down the street, causing a Chitauri to crash into the building infront of them. Both Tony/Iron Man and Amy/Ruby fly up and puts the following Chitauri in view of the Quinjet. AJ/Crystal Dove takes out a machine gun and fires at the Chitauri.

Inside: Quinjet 🕊🔬

Sitting up front is Clint/Hawkeye on the left and AJ/Crystal Dove on his right with Natasha/Black Widow sitting behind AJ buckled against the wall, Susie sitting behind Clint buckled against the wall across from Natasha, all with headsets on. Steve/Captain America holding onto the handle on the ceiling as he stands behind them. (AJ's and Susie's Outfit's Same as Chapt 16)

Inside: Tony's Suit

JARVIS informs, "Sir, ma'am, we have more incoming."

Tony says, "Fine. Let's keep them occupied." Iron Man heads back to the portal.

Stark Tower: Balcony

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