Chapter 19✅🤺➕

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Same Scene: Helicarrier

Back in the Bridge, Fury stands in his spot at the main controls and sees on his view screen, various news channels, showing the destruction going on in New York.

Agent Hill walks up the stairs in front of him, "Sir." Fury looks up, "The council is on." Fury straightens his posture, sighing, presses on his screen, lowers a news channel.

Rooftop Of Building 🏹

On the rooftop, across from Clint/Hawkeye, Sue fires two arrows into the streaming flow of the Chitauri riders as she informs, "Starks, you both got a lot of strays sniffing your tail." (Sue's Outfit, Same From Chapt 17)

Inside: Tony's Suit

Tony looking at his screen, sees the various of Chitauri Chariots behind him and Amy, he says slowly, "Just try and keep them off the streets."

Another Rooftop Of Building 🏹

Sue looking at Tony/Iron Man flying around as she hears Clint in her earpiece, commenting, "Well, they can't bank worth a damn."

Sue continues to look to her left and then quickly grabs an arrow and aims her bow to her right and without looking, she releases the arrow, hitting a Chitauri Chariot making it explode, she simply advices, "So find a tight corner."

Inside: Amy's Suit ⌨️

Amy looks at her screen to see a few Chitauri Chariots behind her, "We will roger that."

Outside: Sky⌨️

Tony/Iron Man and Amy/Ruby continue to fly opposite of each other, leading the Chariots as they fly to the left and right of two buildings.

In Clint/Hawkeye's view, he's kneeling on the edge, fires arrow and hits the Chitauri Chariot making it burn and separate from the arrow as it follows Amy/Ruby. The Chitauri Chariot separate and hit the two in front of him and giving Amy/Ruby a chance to blast and explode the Chitauri rider behind her before she continues to fly around above the streets.

Tony/Iron Man continues to lead Chitauri riders behind him around, heading toward a building then turns quickly to the right and two Chariots hit and explode and another two more follows.

Inside: Tony's Suit

Tony annoyed amd mutters, "Oh, boy."

Outside: Sky

Tony/Iron Man goes down below towards the streets and flies under a walkway tunnel, the Chariot to big for the small opening and crashes into a wall above it as Tony/Iron Man flies out unharmed.

Inside: Amy's Suit⌨️

Amy looks impressed and says to Sue, "Nice call."

Inside: Tony's Suit

Tony also impressed and asks, "What else you got?"

Clint/Hawkeye's voice tells them, "Well, Thor's taking on a squadron down on 6th."

Tony makes a sarcastic sad/disappointed face, "And he didn't invite us?" Also talking about Amy.

Outside: Random Building

A Chitauri Leviathan flies around and head towards a glass building.

Inside: Office Building
Conference Room­

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