Chapter 4 - Trouble started

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The class was over. I looked at Louis and Harry that were deeply fallen in a conversation about something. I couldn't hear them because everyone was so loud. I wasn't sure how to get their attention in this mess so I decided to hug them. I didn't know which one to pick so I kinda hugged both and they turned around hugging me back. "Shall we go on a coffe?" I said smiling at them. Harry looked a bit confused since we never actualy went on a coffe with out Gemma. "Yeah, that's a great idea!" Louis said loud. Oh sorry, I meant Lou. I keep forgetting on that. We went to the same cefeterie as last time. So yesterday. We sat to the table for three, me in the middle this time. I saw Harry constantly looking at something on the floor. I didn't know what is it so I just asked him: "What's so interesting down there Harry?" He looked up a bit red holding his phone in his hands. I took a little look of what's on his screen and I saw... a picture... of LOUIS?! But how, I mean he knows him for 10 hours or something like that! I decided not to go further in details but something was fishy here. Lou went to get coffe and when he was walking back he winked at me. I smiled brightly with my teeth. 

"Hey beautiful, here's your cappucino" he gave me the cup. "And a cocoa for mister Styles" he smiled. 

"Thanks" me and Harry said same time and then fall in laugh. I forgot how good it is to be in a company of guys. Last time I was alone with a guy was like 4 years ago. And that guy was Harry because we were at Gemma's and his house. 

We were talking about school, Louis's former life, sport, fashion... I can't even name all the things! It was getting late. We've been here for like 4 hours now. "I think we should go now" I said looking from Harry to Lou. 

"Yeah you're right. It is getting late anyways. Hey you two have fun, I'll call my mum to pick me up and well see you tomorrow." Louis said before me and Harry went left and he stayed there. 

I was curious about the photo but couldn't ask at all. I didn't know will he get angry at me or not. All thou I know him for like my all life I'm still not sure what he would do. "Okay see you tomorrow I guess." I smiled before I walked down the path to my house. Harry waved from the next door and then we both went inside. 


Today was so fun, I can't stop thinking about him. I'm driving in my mum's car right now and we're listening to this nice music. It is 'Just the way you are' or something and it reminds me of Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry, can someone remove him from my mind please? But I can't really ask him to date me after the fact I know him less than one day, my family doesn't know I like boys and plus they have something against people like me. I will have to tell someone this. I'm dying inside. Keeping a secret from the all world is hard. Specially because I know there will be no moral support. I need to get my self a girlfriend. I think that will prove I'm straight. Even thou I'm not. But I am still not ready to tell my parents. And my sisters! Oh God they would make fun of me. Will I ever be able to tell them? It is hard and it hurts. I sometimes cry myself to sleep. I miss that carring touch of a person I love. But I am not going to rush. 

Valerie seems liek a nice person. But I don't know should I tell her? Is she worth a trust? I will see plus I need to get a girlfriend soon. Who could I pick? ... Who would even want to date me? Oh man I sound like a girl. 

I will bother about things like that when it comes time that I will have to. Not yet. But soon. 

I'm in bed now ready to fall a sleep. "Night Harry" I whispered before I closed my eyes and a tear streamed down my face. But not a sad one. It was a tear of happiness. 


I can't get Lou out of my head. This is crazy. I fallen for him faster than I fallen for anyone. But does he like me? Probably not. And I wonder what's up with Harry and his screen? I wish I could read people's mind. It would make my life a lot easier! Well I will go to sleep now. I hope I will dreamabout Louis. 


"Wake up wake up my little sunshine, I want you to wake upppppp!" someone was singing to me, this loud song. It was Ash of course. Like every morning. "Hey Ash, I'm gonna be ready in five. Go down to breakfast" I said before closing the bathroom doors. I got ready wuick, ate my breakfast and went to school. I walked alone today. There was no Harry, there was no Louis, no Gemma... what is going on here? This is strange. Where is everyone? 

I came to school. No one was there. What in the world..? I got in school and it was empty. Noone was there. Then suddenly Louis came in too. "What is going on? Why are you and I the only one here?" he looked confused too. Thank god I'm not seeing things. Then I saw a person walking to us. And the next thing I know is that I fell on the ground, hitted my head and fainted. 











I woke up few minutes ago seeing my self in my room on the bed. Ash was jumping around singing something like: "And we danced all night to the best song ever.." I looked on the alarm clock and see it is saying 6 a.m. That's when I realized it was all just a dream. I smiled because I was happy it was a dream. I got up and went to teh bathroom. Ash was still singing the same song and it annoyed me now. But it was catchy song thou. When I came out I started singing with him while I carried him downstairs on breakfast. We ate and I decided to call Gemma. But Harry picked up. "Hi Val, sorry Gemma can't answer. She's sick and lost her voice. Want me to leave her a message?" Harry said. I thinked for a moment and then I replied: "Nahh I'm good, wanna walk with me to school today?" He didn't answer right away. I heard him walking, probably out of Gemma's room. "Is Louis coming too?" he said excited. "I don't know. Haven't heard from him since yesterday." I could feel he's face turn sad. "Sorry Harry, but I don't have his number. Maybe he will-" that's when the ring rang. I heard mum screaming: "Val, your friend Louis something came!" I smiled brightly and went down while I was still on the phone. Almost forgot about Harry. "He just came here! See you in 5 ok?" I said before I ended the call. I picked up a bag and went out to Lou. "Harry is coming in a minute" I told him and he just nodded.  Harry came as fast as he could and we went to school.

The day was long. We finished at 15 o'clock and we were so tired. I asked them if they wanna do something. "Well.. I can't really. Gotta help my sick sis." Harry said rolling his eyes. I laughed and Lou just smiled. "See ya soon guys" Harry waved before leaving.

"So it's just me and you. What you wanna do?" Lou asked me. "Hmm.. let's go to the park!" 

We walked to there like half an hour. We were sitting on a bench next to a big pond. It was beautiful. I got cold and Lou hugged me. It felt SO GOOD. We sat there few moments in silence when he suprinsgly asked me a question: "You know Val, I really like you. I know you for two days but I think I know you for my whole life. I know this is fast but.. would you be my girlfriend?" I was in shock. "Well I like you too, but this is crazy.. hmm.. yeah! I'll be your girlfriend!" 

Did I just got a boyfriend??!!


I asked her! Omg I just .. Wow. I know this is something normal but it went so fast.

I thought this will be nice relationship and easy cover for my feelings but this is when the trouble actually started. 

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