Chapter 7 - Let's hide love

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I was frozen you could say. I didn't realize all this was happening. I thought it was just a dream. Like a book. But no it was all real. I stopped crying like 10 min. ago but that doesn't mean I'm not hurt. I feel like I've been cheated on. I'm broken. 

"Why Louis? Why would you do this to me?" I said with my hoarse voice. 

"I didn't wanted to do it to you! But the passion was stronger then a feeling. I just don't know. I like you a lot and I well I feel for him from the first time I saw him. I just wanted to see how it feels. The kiss showed me this is real love."

"But why did you ask me to date you then?"

"I thought  I need a girlfriend for a cover. I can't really tell everyone I'm gay. It's hard. I was going to tell you... eventually."

"But I believed you! I trusted you! I thought you love me like I love you! So what now? Will you leave me like a broken glass on the floor? I have feelings too!"

"I wont leave you! Ever! But I can't make my self to love you. I love Harry. There I admit! I love him with all my heart. Deep in my soul. He is my soul mate. You are my heart." he smiled to me.

"All this is nice but not when you stated like this: YOU CHEATED ON ME. You could of say if you only wanted a beard. I would maybe say yes. Why  didn't you tell me before? I am not a monster and I wouldn't make fun of you. Now you just lied to me. It hurts Lou, it really does."

"This is not about you. He kissed me not me him. It was more like a try. To prove love. I never said I don't like you. I do. But I can't love you. I'm so sorry. I know words wont make you feel better but maybe you will forgive me. Not now not this year even maybe but you will one day, right?"

"Yeah I will but not any time soon! This was all a lie. I was played like a game here. I am a person! Get it?! And what will we do now? Will we break up and you will date him and everyone will be like 'What?' ?" 

"I don't know honestly. I wish you would agree to still date me. But this time as a real cover. No lies. I promise. I give you my word that from this day I will never lie to you again."

"I can't just go from a girlfriend to a beard. I need someone that will love me back. Someone that will care about me not about me being his cover. I will think about this at home. I will tell you after I get threw all of it. Don't wanna make a same mistake twice. Don't call me, I will call you." that's when I closed the door of the room and slowly walked down the hall. 

After few minutes I was home in my room lying on the bed. I covered my head with a blanket and cried for hours. 

I wanna stay here forever. He was the one that made me feel like I finally have something in my life and he goes and ruin it all. I'm not mad, I'm not sad. I'm just hurt. 

Last time I checked my heart it said I'm broken.


I will never forgive my self for doing this to her. How will I sleep at night? Till she won't say she forgives me I won't be able to move on. I never meant to do this. It just kinda happen.

They say ' we accept the love we think we deserve'  and that's true. She thought I'm the best for her. I am just the worst. She deserves better than me.

Gemma was already gone. It was just me and Harry left here. He had this sad look on his face. I think we kinda shared the pain here. But I was guilty 1000 more times.

"Harry, you think we did the right thing? It felt so good but it was a mistake, wasn't it?" I tried to catch his look but he was way too much looking down.

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