Chapter 5 - When it all turns around

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It was Saturday. Finally a day off. Because of school I haven't seen Lou or Harry or Gemma for like two days. Except during the classes. Omg I still can't believe I have a BOYFRIEND! Doesn't that sound just amazing? I haven't told anyone yet. But I will tell Gemma as soon as i see her again. She wasn't in school few days, she got a flu. Harry told me that. 

The phone just rang. 

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey, is this Valerie?"

"Yeah... who is it?"

"Hi Val! It's Lou here."

"Oh hey Lou! Or should I say boyfriend?" I smiled even thou he couldn't see me.

"Sweetie wanna go to the park with me today?"

"Yes of course! Just you and I?"

"Well.. as I know yes."

"Okay, see you..."

"I'll pick you up in 10 min. Prepare your bike and wear something comfortable. I love you."

"Love you too Lou!" I said before he hang up. 

I quickly saved he's number by the name 'Lou ♥'. Okay gotta get ready now! What should I wear? Hmm....


As soon as I hang up I knew this wasn't really right thing to do. Saying I LOVE her was a bit too much. I feel guilty giving her hope that isn't realy real. I like her a lot, but I think I care about Harry more. Is it so wrong that I'm doing that? Should I tell her? Or should I pretend? I will tell her. Not now, not tomorrow, but one day. When it comes to the right moment. 

I put on my red pants, white striped shirt and white converse that I love so much. I went down to the basement to pick up my old blue bike. I said 'bye' to my sisters and mum then I went down the road. 

It wasn't even afternoon and I was on a half way to Val, when I saw Harry at the market across the street. Should I go say 'hi'?  Yeah that would be ok. 

"Hey Harry!" I yelled from the street. He turned around. He smiled and waved to me. Gosh he was perfect! 

"Hey Lou, where are you up to?" he was asking me while he was coming to me. 

"I'm off to park with Val. I'm picking her up. Wanna go with me? You live near so I can drop you with my bike, if you want." He was thinking I can see. "Yeah thanks bro." he said at last. He put the bag on the front site of the bike and sat behind me. He hugged me so he wouldn't fell off. I just got butterflies. Wow only by a hug? 

I didn't feel butterflies while kissing Val. This is so bad. I should never ask her to date me. What should I do now? 

As I was thinking I didn't see the car coming right to us. Harry wasn't watching either and after a minute, all you could hear was a big BUM! and there was me and Harry lieing on the floor. There was some blood and yoghurt from Harry's bag everywhere on the floor. That's the last think I saw. I fainted. The last thing I heard was a scream and Harry saying something like: "Are u ok?" But I was too weak to answer.


I was getting ready when I heard this loud BUM! coming from out side. I looked threw the window. And there were Louis and Harry?? lieing on the street covered with blood. Then I saw a man coming from his car and I heard a little girl screaming. I ran out forgeting I was still waering slipers. 

A man called ambulance and I helped them pick up the food that fallen out of a bag. I saw Harry had opened eyes but Louis had no pulse. What is going on here? I started crying. I can't lose him. Not my Lou. Not him. 


I wasn't paying attention. I had my eyes closed. The next thing I saw was a car going to us. And then we hitted together. I was on top of Louis somehow. I couldn't move. I asked him if he's okay, but he never answered. Hope he will be all right. I am hurt a lot, but not as much as him. The yoghurt was all over the place, but that's the least of my problem right now. I saw Valerie running to us. She was crying too. I looked at her but the next minute I have fallen asleep. 


"Can I please go with them to the hospital sir?" I was practicaly begging the doctor. "Sure miss, come in wuick." he finally said. 

I got in and we drove away. Once we were at teh hospita they quickly ran in the operation room with Lou. He lost a lot of blood. He was hitter directly in the face. Will he make it? God please don't let him die! He's my everything! I was sitting on the chair in the wating room. The doctor came, me jumping up on the legs. "How are they?" I couldn't wait to hear what happend. "Well mr. Styles is fine, just a broken leg and some scratches. But mr. Tomlinson lost too much blood. We're trying to do our best. Remember that please." When I heard that I started crying like a little kid. I didn't know what will I do if he doesn't make it?

I went to Harry, he was all covered with that machines and bandage. He opened his eyes slowly. "Hi Val." he barerly could talk. His lips were hurt too. "Hey Harry, how you feelin'?" I asked sitting on his bed next to him. I held his hand to make him feel better. After all he's my friend. "I'm okay, how is Lou? I heard teh doctor saying he lost lots of blood." He looked kinda sad while talking. But he wasn't crying. "He is still in the operation room. They said they're doing their best. He will make it. I know he will." I smiled but it was fake. Harry sighed and I did too. We looked at the floor and didn't speak another word. 

After 30 min. the doctor came in. "Mrs. Calder, Mr. Styles your friend... is in comma. I am so sorry. We can't wake him. He will have to stay here. Can I get a number of his parents? And mr. Styles you are staying here just till morning." he was talking slowly and caring. 

"Well.. I don't have the number of them and neither does Harry." I actually just realized I knew nothing about Lou. 

"Okay, I will find them by the internet." the doctor said. "Wait sir, can I see him?" I know my eyes were really red and I was about to cry again so that must of explain why the doctor gave me a sad lok. "Of course dear. But I suggest you not to touch him. He can hear you thou. But he won't answer yet, while he's in a comma." he left the room after this. 

"Okay Harry I'm going to see Lou, want me to call Gemma or your mum?" I noticed he is really sad. He didn't say anything. "Harry are you okay?" He finally looked at me. "Yeah I'm fine. Please call Gemma and tell her I will be ok. I don't want her to come. Not when I look like this." He put on a fake smile and I went out. 

I called Gemma and explained her. She first wanted to come but I convinced her. I was on my way to Lou now. I was breathing heavily and my eyes didn't stop crying. I must of look like a zombie.

I slowly opened the door. I went in and closed them. He was lying there. He didn't move. I remembered what the doctor said about touching so I just held his hand. I whispered something to him so only he could hear me. Even thou we were the only one in the room. "Hi Lou it's Val. I know you hear me and you can't answer. Baby I'll be here for you all day all week if it is nesesarry. I love you Lou." that when I started criying. I looked at him. He looked like dead. He was all red from the blood. The bandage over his face was covering his beautiful lips. But I slowly kissed them anyway. I tried to be as gentle as possible. 

After 2 hours I went back to Harry. He was looking out of the window. He didn't saw me so I went out of his room. I went home to get changed.

Still in shock and in new clothes I came baack to the hospital. My mum drop me by now. I got a room between Harry and Lou so I could stay there all night. I wasn't sleepy, I was tired, shaking, scared, in panic... The doctor gave me a pill to calm down. I fallen a sleep before I realized. I dreamed about future. But even in dreams there was this question in my head keep to repeat over and over again: 

Will he be okay? What if not? What then? 

I need answers.

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