Chapter 3 - "Look at him"

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I was thinking about the previous school and people there, when I saw Valerie coming to me. I waved to her. She came closer. "Hello" she said. "Nice to see you again." I replied. And she smiled. She was perfect, and I even didn't pick the right word. She sat down.

"So.. what are you drinking?" she asked. I looked at my glass like I don't know what I ordered. "Cappucino, you want one?" I smiled to her. She nodded and I went to order one. I had to wait 10 min. to get it. But it finally came and I went back to the table. Valerie was on her phone. I sat down and whispered to her: "Here it is." She didn't reply because she was totaly in the conversation... "Yes mum I get it. But I can't baby sit Ash right now. I'm out with a friend. Sorry.".... " Ughh, fine fine I will be there in 5!" She hang up and shook her head.

"What is it?" I asked and she just looked at me not saying a thing. She grabbed a cappucino I brought her. "Thanks Louis. I will drink this on my way home. My mum wants me to babysit my liltte brother because she has to go somewhere." she said it with that 'i'm not in a mood for this' voice. I know we only met this morning but I suggested her to make her company on the way home. She shrugged and I srood up. We went out and walked 15 min. till we came there. She lives in this gorgeous whize house with a garden of roses in front and a path that leads to the house is tiny but it fits perfectly to the house. I guess her mum has taste. 

"We're here. Wanna come in?" she asked, waking me up from my thoughts. "Well if u want." I said but I am so glad she invited me. I wanna see this house inside too. 


We walked in and Ash ran to me. He jumped on me and I almost fell. "Hey there little guy" I said and hugged him. He didn't care about me anymore. He was looking at Louis and with no shame started shouting: "Is this your boyfriend!? Since when are you dating?" I blushed and didn't know what to say really. Oh this is a bit awkward. We were in silent for few moments and then Louis caught the silence: "No silly, I'm her friend. Louis, but you can call me Lou. And you must be...?" Ash jumped up to him to give him a hug too, saying: " I am Ash and I'm almost 5 years old. I like your tattoo. You like my sister?" I rolled my eyes and blushed a little. Lou noticed so I changed subject: "Come in please, we wont stand here for the rest of the day , right? You can put Ash down, he knows how to walk." Lou started laughing but I just smiled. He carried Ash to the living room. 

I told Ash to go upstairs and play in his room. I had to go upstairs with him to make sure he's fine. I went back down then and seen Louis looking at the photos on the shelf.

He noticed me and quickly turned around. I don't really like to talk about my family because it is not a usual family. He suggested we seat down and watch TV. I founf a comedy and we sat on the couch. 

The movie was passing by and I got tired. I wanted to lay down on the other side of where Lou was sitting but he stopped me saying: "You can lay in my lab if you want." He pulled in and we lay there like a couple, but we knew each other for about 12 hours and I all ready was thinking about how would it be to date him. 

The movie was over and I decided to make us dinner. I don't know how to cook really so I just made some toast and called Ash to come down. We sat to the table starting to eat. 

We ate in silence. Then I heard a key in the door. It was mum. But she wasn't alone. When she walked in to the kitchen I saw who was with her. It was my dad! 


A woman and a man walked in. It was her parents I guess. I looked at her and she was totaly white. Like she saw a ghost. I didn't know what to do or say. She started crying and ran up. All I heard was a door slamming, it was really lous. I stoop up to intruduce myself. "Hello I'm Louis, you must be Mrs. ... " I remembered I haven't catch her last name. So I just shook her hand feeling awkward. "I'm Mrs. Calder, dear." she smiled. The man just nodded and I smiled. I didn't know what to do so I looked arounf the room like I lost something. Awkward silence came on. "You can go upstairs, dear. I think Val will want to see you." she said so I went up. I saw the pink door and guessed that was her room. I knocked lightly and then opened the door slowly. I saw her crying on the bed with a pillow on her head. "You okay Valerie?" I asked worried. 

"Call me Val and no, I'm not okay." she said threw tears. I walked to her and hugged her. "And you can call me Lou." She put her hands around my neck crying on my shoulders. 

"I'm sorry, I must look like a monster." she said while she was still crying. "No baby not at all, but I don't get it what made you so upset?" I gave her a carring but confused look. She looked at the floor and sighed.

"It's a long story, I haven't told anyone really. I sure you want to know?" she asked me with her shaking lips and red eyes. I nodded and hugged her one more time to make her feel safe. She relaxed in my arms and started to talk: 

"When I was little I was a happy child. So happy, I could smile all day. But my mum never seemed happy to me. And I wondered more times, why? Well I haven't got an answer right away. But I know now. It was because of my dad. The man you saw tonight. He wanted a baby too, but they had a child before and she died. She had like 1 day or something. She would be 2 years older than me. That got my mom so down, she became as skinny as a stick! And then I was born. Well it started okay, but I was sick all the time. And when I grew up to like 3 years my mum and dad weren't happy anymore. They fought but not in front of me or at least i can't remember.  Well my mum said she will leave him. And he kinda of said to her that he will kill me, or well at least take me away from her. But my mum was scared and that's why she got sick. When I was about 4 we moved away. Me and her. Since I know I've been happier here with her. About 6 years later I got my little brother Ash. I still didn't forgive my dad for all the things he done to my mum but she's always teling me I have to love him because he's my dad. That's my story, next time you're telling me yours. But now it's getting late, don't you think you should go home? Your mum must of been worried."

I think she felt better letting it all out. Her story is sad. But not as near as crazy as mine. "Yeah I really should go now. But hey I am so sorry for all of this. I didn't know." I said while I was getting my jacket.

"You couldn't know, it is ok, not your fault." she smiled lightly. "Bye Lou" she whisperred to me. I had this strong feeling I have to do something for her, so I kissed her slowly but gentle. It lasted 10 sec and it felt amazing, but I had to go now.  I closed the door behind me, grabbing my phone to call mum so she can pick me up here. 



"Morning Valerie!" Ash shouted as soon as I opened my eyes. The door bell rang and Ash ran down to open it. "Who is it Ash?" I heard mum calling from the kitchen. "It is Louis, it's Val's boyfriend!" when I heard Ash saying that I remembered our kiss last night. It was so gentle. So fantastic. But then again what is Louis doing here in the 7 a.m.?

I put on my red dress and my white converse and ran down as quick as I could. "Hey Lou" I said it like nothing happend. He smiled and he looked so perfect when he did. "Hey Val, I thought I could walk you to school today? If you don't mind." He said smiling. I nodded and picked my bag shouting to mum: "Bye mum, see you after school!" I closed the door before she could answer.

We were slowly walking down the road when someone shouted my name. We bot hturned around and it was Harry. I never mentioned him before. Well he's my neighobur and my best friend's brother. So he's Gemma's brother and I know him since we were little. I never fancied him, he was like a brother to me, and I was like a sister to him. I waved to him. He ran to us. "Hey Val, who's this?" he meant Louis. "Oh sorry you weren't in school yesterday, I totaly forgot. That's Louis our new classmate. And Lou, that's Harry, he's well Harry." I didn't really know how to describe him. They shook hands and we went on. "So Louis, you like our school?" Harry winked at him. "Yeah I do, I really do." he smiled back. For the rest they were talking about football. We finally arrived and headed to class. The teacher was all ready in so we sat down quickly. We sat at same desk now. All three and Louis was on the middle. I payed attention this time. We had physics. 


I like this boy. How she said it was his name, Harry is it? Wow what am I thinking? I had a crush on boy before and it didn't turn out well. Maybe I shouldn't look at him anymore. He is so perfect. Way too much for me. He's higher and has this beautiful curly hair. I am so confused now. Do I like Val? Or am I mor into Harry now? Ugh this will be an intteresting year I see. We were in class by now and I didn't care about physics so I made my self busy with thinking about Harry. Yeah, you heard right, I said Harry not Val. 

He looked at me few times and smiled. He's eyes are so adorable. I don't know what to do. What if he likes girls? He probably does. He must of date tons of them. Look at him. He's too perfect to be mine. Well I will have to find out my self is he straight or not. It wont be easy. But I will try.  

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