Chapter 12 - Reality or a dream?

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She looked deeply in my eyes and Harry held my hand. I was so scared, I couldn't even move. Not even say a word. I was waiting what will she say now.

She slowly started teh sentence: "I am so sorry Louis. You have...Oh god how to even say it? You have Leukemia." she started crying the moment she said the last word.

"I have.. what?" I looked so confused I had to make sure I heard the right thing.

"Hey babe you will be fine. I will be here with you all the time if it is nesesarry. I won't leave you even for a second. I promise." Harry said kissing my arm.

"But how can I have leukemia? What are the symptoms any way? I can't have that. This is just a dream right? Harry pinch me so I will wake up. This is not happening please tell me this isn't real!" I was crying in Harry's shirt knowing this isn't a dream but I wished it is. I felt so so bad I wanted to die right now. 

Harry hugged me even more and kissed me while Val started to explain me few things.

"Well.. you lost a lot of weight and all that stress, the weight losing is a symptom. You were also bleeding before you fainted. Remember? That's one too. I don't know if you had an infection but for now you aren't."

"Yeah I remember the bleeding part. I didn't know it can be this serious. I never had an infection tho. Will I ever get better?"

"You can take medicine and kemotherapy but only 80% of people get better. I bet you will! You won't die but it can take a year to get better or maybe more. They found yours quick so you can get better before. You're gonna get some pills, I have reception here. Plus you will have to watch what you eat and where you are. You will stay here for some time. They don't want you to get an infection, it only makes things worse. You will probably get better soon as long as you follow the rules that your doctor will tell you."

"But what are the consequences?"

"I don't know really, but after the kemotherapy you're gonna be having problems with concentracion, some pressure in your head, your blood picture can be little 'moody', you'll be tired a lot, pain in the bones.. there are lots of it, but that's why you aren't going to school. First of all you need to stay calm, me, Harry,Gemma, Niall, Zayn and Liam will visit you as often as possible, everyday someoen will be here with you. Not threw all day, because of school but after it. We will make a deal who on which day."

"Thank you guys. Thank you a lot. I will need you now this isn't a joke."

"That's why I am not letting you get in stress because of anyone or anything! Okay boo bear?" Harry said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I nodded and smiled a bit. "Will I be able to walk?"

"I don't know, but you're not gonna walk a while, because you will spend your days on this bed."

"I know that, but Val thank you, will you be the one to get me pills too?"

"Absolutely. I will go now to get them. You have to start with kemo as soon as it is possible. I don't know if I told you, but Leukemia is some sort of a cancer and that's why you have to beat that freak quick!" 

"I will, I will do this for you and Harry."

They both hugged me.

"Oh and Louis after you ahve this you can get some enotional trouble, but you have to be carefull anyway. This deeses can come again."

She said before she went to get pills. I was smiling a bit on the out side while in side I was dead al ready.

"Harry would you sing to me again? I want something to cheer me up, I feel so scared. This isn't a joke, This is reality al tho I wish it was just a dream."

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