Chapter 16 - You're perfect

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I tried to cover up my basically naked body but Harry grabbed my arms and stopped me. "No baby, you're perfect." He told me kissing my neck again. He pulled back from the kiss and his eyes raked up and down my exposed body. I felt my cheeks redden as he did so. 

"I love you." I said and he smirked. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me runny a hand through his now messy hair. 

"Yes, I'm positive." I said and a smile grew on his face from ear to ear. 

"Good." He said and pressed his lips against mine. It was the deepest we had ever kissed and I felt myself begining to harden a considerate amount. I knew Harry was too as it was pressing into my inner thigh. Harry laced his fingers into the waistband of my boxers and looked up to me as if asking for permission. I nodded and he pulled them down and his eyes widened once he did. "Wow, you're massive." He said his eyes not leaving my crotch. 

"Your are down too." I said pulling his boxers  down too. The pooled around his ankles and he kicked them off. God if he thought I was big, he's definetely bigger. 

"Okay are you ready for this?" He asked me taking the box of condoms and lube. 

"Yes." I quietly said. I felt butterflies rise in my stomach at the thought of this? Will it be as painful as people say it is? I'm actually sort of scared. Harry rollded a condom onto him and squeezed some lube onto his fingers. He told me to lay down and I did. He coated my hole in lub and placed his tip at the entrabnce. "Wait." I said. 

"What?" He asked me. 

"I'm scared." I shyly said. 

"Okay, how about we try it and if you're uncomfortable you can tell me to stop, okay?" He asked me stroking my face. I nodded and relaxed a bit. He lined himself up again and I began to feel nautious at the thought of doing this. 

"Wait." I shouted again. 

"What now?" He chuckled lightly. 

"Will this hurt?" I asked him looking into his green eyes. 

"It will at first but it will subside, don't worry." He reassured me and I relaxed once more. He begain pushing in and I yelped out in pain. "Wow babe, you okay?" He asked me. I screwed my eyes shut unable to give him a verbal answer. "Want me to stop?" He asked me and I shook my head. 

"Just keep going." I winced and he pushed in furthar. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek but Harry kissed it away. 

"You're doing so good baby." He said and was now fully in. We sat idle for a few minutes until I told him to move. The pain had now subsided and I was begining to feel pleasure. As he moved in and out it was the best feeling i had ever expeirenced and I wondered how we hadn't discovered this before. 

"Oh my god." I moaned as Harry rocked his hips. I thrust mine up to meet his and he moaned. We had only been doing this for a few minutes and I knew I was on the verge of my high. "I'm gonna come." I told Harry in between moans and gasps for air. He reached down and give me three tugs before I was seeing stars. My vision blurred and my toes curled, it was the best feeling I had ever experienced. 

"God Louis." Harry shouted and his thursts became sloopy and just as he came our bedroom door swung open. 

It was Val. She stood there for a moment. We were all frozen. I actually felt very a shamed. It was so uncomfortable. 

I wasn't able to do anything really because Harry was on me and yeah..

Val ran out.

"Harry .. what now?"

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