13{•day out•}

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    I woke up to see Yuri gone. I got dressed and walked out to the main hall. I saw Yuri eating breakfast. "Morning" Yuri's mother said seeing me walk out. Yuri turn to see me. "Morning" I said to Yuri's mother and Yuri. I sat down and Yuri's mother set down a plate of pancakes.
   "I got a plan for today" Yuri said swallowing. "What?" I stuffed pancakes in my mouth. "I'm going to show you around town. " Yuri looked at me a smiled. " oh yeah that sounds nice" I said cutting into my pancake.
   Yuri and I finished our food and I walked to get ready. "I wonder if this is a date?" I thought. I pick out some nice clothes. I turned on my phone and saw yurio texted.


     I laughed. "He so angry" I thought. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out of my room. I walked over to Yuri's and opened it slowly. Only to see Yuri trying on shirts. "Go with the dark navy one" I said. Yuri looked at me and blushed. "It goes with your eyes" I walked in.
     I walked over and put the shirt on him and button it up. When I finished I looked into those golden brown eyes. "I'm happy I'm with you" I smiled and kissed his forehead. Yuri blushed. "Me too" he said.
We walked out of the house and onto the streets. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Places" Yuri said sliding his hand into mine. I blushed. Yuri looked at me and laughed. "What!?"I said blushing harder. "Nothing. I didn't think I could make you blush" he said laughing.
We walked to a little village. There were shops down the streets and children running around laughing. "This looked amazing" I said smiling at the kids running around. We walked down the streets. Something caught my eye. "I'll be right back" I said running off. Yuri stood there confused. I ran back with a small black bag. " what's that?" Yuri asked trying to see what's inside. "It's a surprise" I said huffing it behind my back.
Next we went to was downtown. There were a lot of food places. "Let's get dinner here" I pointed to a restaurant. "Ok" Yuri said walking inside.
After we ate. We started to walk back to his house. "Let walk down to the beach" I said. "Sure" Yuri took us down the beach. The sun was setting. The sky painted with purple and pinks.
I stop walking and pull out a small box from the little back bag. "What wrong victor?" Yuri turned to me. "Nothing. I just wanted to say something." I clutched onto the small box. Yuri looked at me.
"I know we've only know each other for a couple months. And only been dating for two days but to me it feels like I life time." I looked at Yuri with loving eyes. "I so grateful that I'm yours. And I don't want to leave your side. Or ever be apart from you." I got down on one knee. "Yuri yuri katsuki will you be mine and marry me." I said.
Yuri's eye filled up with tears. His head bobbing up and down. "YES" he screamed. He held out his left hand and I put the golden ring in his hand. I stood up but to be suddenly pushed down by Yuri kissing me.
I pushed him off and pulled out my ring. "I want to put it on" Yuri sniffed. I heard him the ring and held out my hand. Yuri slidded in the ring in to my hand and looked at me. We both smiled. "I love you" I said stankdimg up and helping Yuri. "I love you too" he said putting a small peck on my lips.
We both walked into the house. His mother standing but his Yuri's father. "Mom dad I have something to show you." Yuri said walking to the still holding my hand. His parents looked at him. Yuri lifted our hands showing the rings. "OMG MY BUT IS GETTING MARRIED" his mother screamed and hugged the both of us. "Congratulations son" his father said patting him on the back.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////sorry if marking them get married was to soon. Hope you like it. Im going to my aunt house in the country so I probably won't be able to upload chapters but if I can I will try. 365 reads! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. <3

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