19{•the day•}

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I stood in the room. Waiting. I wore a light gray suit with a blue tie. I looked in the mirror. "Oh don't be nervous." I tell myself. I fix my hair. Yurio walked it. "You almost ready old hag" Yuri walked in. I'll be walking down with Yuri's dad since my dad died when I was little.
We are getting married at the beach in Japan. There's a arch way with white flowers and green vines. The chairs are white. Yuri insists that he have bridesmaids. On his side is his sister and Yuuko. On my side I have jj, Yurio, Phichit and chis.
"It's time" Yuri's father said walked in. His eyes teared up. "You look handsome" he said taking me in for a hug. "Thanks" tears threatened to fill my eyes. "Just one thing. Be good to my boy" he said taking my hands. "I will sir" I grip his hands. "Please call me dad" he said smiling. "Come one. It's time" Yurio said waking to his place. "Ready?" 'Dad' (that's Yuri's dad new name) said. I nod.
I heard the music play. As me and dad started walked everyone stood up. I seen my old coach, Yuri mom crying. I looked at Yuri. His hair slip back and not wearing his glasses. His eyes filled with tears. Dad left and I stood next to Yuri. We held hands. I smiled. He smiled.
"Today I join together Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki in hands in marriage. Today they speak there own vows. "The priest said lifting his right hand. "Victor will you do the honor and go first. " I nodded.
I grip Yuri's hands tight. "My promise to you is simple, I'll endure until the end. I'll be your one and only,
Your lover and your friend, I'll listen and I'll nurture, I'll fight and I'll be true." I said tears threaten to spill out. "I'll do my equal share and I will never give up on you. I'll try to do my very best, to fulfil your every need.
I'll walk beside you hand in hand,
I'll help you to succeed." I looked at Yuri. Yuri was crying. Happy tears. He gripped my hands tight. "I'll be your constant equal, I'll give you room to grow, I'll tend to you when you are sick, build you up when you are low.
I stand before these witnesses,
And I say unto you, No matter what hard times we face, Our love will make it through." I said letting the tears fall. You could hear people sniffle. "Now Yuri" the priest raise his left hand.
Yuri whipped his eyes and took a breath. He smiled. "It's because of you that I wake up smiling every day.
I promise to forever keep you smiling.
It's because of you that I am happy every day. I promise to forever keep you happy." He smiled grow bigger. Mine did too. "It's because of you that I know how it feels to be cared for.
I promise to forever care for you.
It's because of you that I have learned how to truly, deeply love someone." His eyes spilled out tears again. His gripping on my loosened. " I promise to forever love you. I promise all these and more, forever and for always." He said smiling and crying.
You can hear people cry and sniffed. "You may place the rings on each other" the gave up the pillow. I took one ring and slid the silver ring on his finger and Yuri slid mine on. "I now pronounce you husband and husband" he said raising his arms. "You may kiss the groom."
I grabbed Yuri face and kissed him passionately. People stood up and clapped. I pulled away. "I love you Yuri Nikiforov" I placed my forehead on his. "I love you too victor Nikiforov" I smiled and kissed me. I pick him up and placed him on my shoulders and walked down the aisle.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////hey sorry for the late update. I really tried to make this chapter and cute and cheesy. Hope you like it. Leave a vote if you do <3

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