Cheap Date

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AN-Alright this is one of my shorter chapters.

   The fox and Bunny woke up the next next morning in each other's arm with no clothes on. They just looked into each others eyes and Judy was the first to speak.
   "Last night was amazing."
   "Yeah, I guess your searching came in handy," Nick said.
   Judy was confused by what he meant then it hit her. He had her phone when Bogo called, she didn't close the tab, and Nick had plenty of time.
   The bunny started to blush wildly (pun intended).
   "Oh come on Carrots. I think it's good that your thinking about us. And even of we can't have lots of our own I know that we can make it together."
   Judy and Nick then kissed lovingly but not passionately. They didn't have time for that. Judy got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom to get dressed. She was a little sore from last night do to the difference in Nicks size but she didn't care. After  awhile she would get used to it, and it only reminded her of the pleasure he had given her the night before.
   "So Nick. What the pan today?" Judy asked as she made it back to their bedroom and sat down beside her fox.
   "Well I was thinking we could just be together. I'm not saying we have to stay here. We could just go out," Nick suggested.
   "I don't mind going out Nick, but why don't we do that tonight," Judy added.
   "Well I thought we were doing something else tonight," Nick said seductively.
   "Oh don't worry there will be plenty of that also," Judy replied and the two began to passionately kiss but they weren't going to go in too deep. It was too early in the morning.
   Ok that was a lie. They were both tired from the long night of 'fun'.
   The restraunt the couple went to was not anything fancy so they didn't worry about getting dressed up. In fact the two were low on money so they just went to a fast food restraunt.
   Of course it was nothing romantic but it was still a date and as long as the two could be together they were ok.
   "Alright Nick. What would you be having?" Judy asked her fox as they stood by the counter.
   "I'm thinking of getting some fried crickets," Nick said causing Judy to give him a look.
   "Really? Those things seems disgusting."
   "They are really good Carrots. Don't knock it till you try it," Nick grinned.
   "Whatever. I will have large fries and glazed carrots," Judy said to the lion behind the counter.
   The two then sat down at a booth and talked.
   "So. Your getting a large fries?"
   "Yes. French fries are life," Judy said serious.
   "Ok then. Noted in my brain to not touch the bunny's fries," Nick said with a raised brow.
   "That would probably be best," Judy laughed.
   "Here you go," An otter said as he handed the couple their food, but as he walked off the two could hear the otter say something along the lines of,"Freaks."
   Nick growled a little and Judy took his hand,"Nick. Don't let them see that they get to you."
   The fox calmed down and smiled," Thanks Carrots."
   Nick took one of his fries crickets and threw it into his mouth chewing it slowly.
   The bunny saw how her boyfriend was enjoying the big and wondered how he could enjoy something like that. The crunching sound was enough. 
   "How can you like that?"
   "Carrots. They are good. Trust me you would love them if you gave them a try," the fox winked.
   "Really?" Judy said in her 'bullshit voice'.
   "Here," Nick said handing her one.
   Judy was hesitant but took the fried bug and put on her mouth. Nick smiled as he saw her eyes go wide.
   "Oh my god. These are good."
   "I tried to tell you fluff," Nick laughed.
   They both laughed and started talking. The two could feel eyes burning through their fur but they didn't care. They had eachother and that's al they needed.
   To hell with everyone else.
   The rest of the night went well but the end of the night was the best for the couple for reasons that should probably be known but if your slow I'll give you a hint. It was behind a closed door and under a blanket.

AN-Ues I just broke the fourth wall. But I don't care!!
   Anyways so this was just a filler chapter. I knew I had to write something.
Till Next Time...

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