Wedding&Terry Wilde

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AN-Hey y'all I'm back. It's been a hike sense my last update but I worked really hard on this chapter. It's a little shorter than my last ones. But it's not the shortest. (THATS WHAT SHE SAID)

   Soon was the wedding of Judith Lavern Hopps and Nicholas Piberious Wilde.
   Everything was set and invitations were sent. All except for one.
   Judy sat beside Nick as they looked at the envelope on the table made for Terry Wilde, Nicks father.
   Nick had not seen his father in almost twenty years and dreaded the day the two would cross paths again. Turned out the day could come sooner.
   Nick didn't want to invite Terry for the sole reason that it could ruin the wedding. But the only reason Nick was considering this was because of his mother. She asked him to at least think about it, and that's what the fox was doing.
   Judy was confused on why Nick was bitter with the older fox. That's when Judy did something she didn't want to do.
   "Nick," Judy started looked to her future husband,"What did your father do?"
   Judy saw the look in Nicks eyes and knew that wasn't good. But she had to know.
   "He hurt me Carrots. He hurt me and my mom in a terrible way."
   "What did he do?"
   Nick didn't want to tell her. He tried to stay off the subject sense the two started dating but he couldn't hide it anymore. He had to tell her.
   Looking into the eyes of his lover Nick spoke,"Carrots. Believe it not there was a time in my childhood that was great. It was when it was just me and my mom. We spent every day together then the day came when I started hustling. And I stole from her," Nick began to tear up at the memory of when he broke his mothers heart,"That's when mom kicked me out. I..found my dad on the street. It was unexpected and for an odd reason I was happy to see him. We talked about me and why I was on the street. Then he said,'Yeah. That bitch kicked you out too'. I wasn't going to agree with him because I loved my mom and it made me mad to hear him say that. I told him not to talk about her like that. He got up and told me I was a sorry piece of shit who couldn't be both good but what the world was going to see me as..a fox. Then he walked away. I had asked my mom about it and she said that dad had a big alcohol problem. She kicked him out when he got so drunk that he hit her. When I heard that story all respect left."
   Nick had finished his story and Judy was a little surprised by it,"Why would your mom ask for you to suggest inviting him?"
   "Cause she believes he had changed. That he deserves another chance. To be both a father and a grandfather."
   "Nick. I know that it must have been hard for you to go through that, but I believe your mom is right. You have to put the past in the past and give him one more chance," Judy suggested smiling to her fox.
   Nick knew she was right. So he didn't say anything. He just nodded his head and grabbed the envelope. Then he put it in the mail box.
   "It's done carrots. Now we play the waiting game," Nick said with a grin on his face.
   "You know I hate that game."
   "Then why don't we play a game I know you like," Nick winked as the two went to her bed.
   Everything was perfect. The decorations were put up nicely around that bridge. Bonnie and Nicks mom had made all kinds of good food. Amber arrived with the rings. And everyone was there. As Judy was still getting ready in the dressing room Nick sat down with Stu and talked for a while.
   "So, this is the big day," Stu began the conversation.
   "Yep. You didn't think you would be giving your daughter away to a fox did you?"
   "To be honest, no. If you had of told me two years ago that my daughter would be marring a fox I would have laughed my ass off," Stu said causing both males to laugh.
   After the laughter Nick saw something that caught his eye. It was an older fox wearing a suit. He looked very similar to Nick except for his paws were white and he was missing half an ear.
   "Excuse me Stu," Nick said getting up and walking to the fox.
   They looked to eachother and the older fox spoke,"Many years ago I was a different mammal. I hurt others and laughed. I got drunk every night and didn't care how much I hurt my family. Till the night I made the biggest mistake of my life. I left my family. I put my hand on the female I loved More than life itself, and told my son that he wouldn't be nothing. That was then. This is now. Nick, I have made amends with your mother and have earned her forgiveness. Now I'm asking for your before you get married to your own love. Will you give me that chance?"
   Nick stared at his father in disbelief. He didn't know how to respond to what his dad just told him. So Nick did it the best he could,"Dad, I never thought I would be able to see you again. Nor did I want to. You hurt me in a way I haven't been hurt sense recently. I accept your apology and we can try to build up a relationship. However it will take time for me."
    Terry looked his son in the eye and nodded. Then reached out his paw to shake Nicks hand, and he accepted it.
   "So, where is your bride?" Nicks dad asked.
   "She is still getting ready. Mom is with her."
   "Well, this is a celebration. One drink wouldn't hurt you would it?"
   Nick was hesitant but was giving his father chance.
   "Stu!" Nick called to his future father-in-law.
   "Yes, Nick. What is it?"
   "My dad is feeling a little parched. Would you kindly give him a drink please?" Nick asked winking to his dad.
   "Of course. Right this way, Mr. Wilde."
   "Just Terry. As of now you and your family is my family," Terry responded to the older rabbit winking at his son.
   Nick was surprised. His father had changed.
   [A/N-I know nothing about weddings and I'm too lazy to search it on google so if I get something wrong I don't care.]
   Nick Wilde stood at under the bridge where Judy came to him asking forgiveness with his best man, Finnick, at his side. Nick took a look to the smaller fox who just nodded his head. Then the music started. And in came Judy with Stu linking his arm with hers.
   To say that the tamale bunny was beautiful would have been a severe understatement.
   She looked amazing. Her dress was a shiny violet color. It was strapless and made her eyes pop out. Nicks could feel and hear his heartbeat getting faster as she got closer.
   Then before Nick knew it she was right in front of him. Then Stu took his daughters hand and placed it into Nicks.
   The preacher spoke,"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Judith Lavern Hopps and Nicholas Piberious Wilde. The couple wrote their vows and will now speak them."
   The preacher then walked back as Nick began,"Judy. The first day I layed eyes on you was nothing special. You were only a stranger who allowed me to trick you into buying a jumbo pop. I cheated you and tried everything in my power to tear down your dreams. I hurt you and knew it. Yet, you still manage to love me. You still believed that I could be more than what I was. And so, Judy, I do not see these vows as promises. I see them as privileges. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and the two kits we will have in a few weeks. My entire life I've told myself to not let them see that they get to me. Then you came along, and now everything that has to do with you gets to me. I guess that's what love feels like, and so I know I'm going in the right direction as long as you're my north."
   Judy felt tears in her eyes as Nick finished and had to regain herself before reading hers. 
   "Nick, this is the place we're you first fell in love with me. And being here reminds of the day you confessed how you felt. And that you loved me. That night was the most memorable day of my life. Also the best day of my life.  It now we are getting married. This is now the happiest day of my life, but then I realize that I don't need a ring. I don't need a wedding. I don't need a house. I don't need money. I don't need a car. All I need in this world is you. Nick, you complete me in a way that no one else ever will. And so I give myself to you and will call myself yours. You will always be a dumb fox, but your MY dumb fox."
   Nick was at an emotional state after hearing what Judy just said.
   Then the preacher continued,"Does the couple have their rings?"
   Nicks mom came up with the rings he and Judy picked out a week before and the preacher spoke again,"Nicholas, do you promise to care Judy in times of need and hold her in times of strife. For better or worse till death do you part?"
   Nick looked into Judy's eyes and said,"I do."
   Judith, do you promise to care for Nick in times of need and hold him in times of strife. For better or worse till death do you part?"
   Judy looked to her family and Nicks mom and dad then to Nick,"I do."
   "Well then by the power invested in me by the city of Zootopia I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
   Nick and Judy came together and kissed passionately. The two could not be happier at this moment.
   Judith Lavern Wilde.
   The name rang through her head so many times. And she was so happy for this to be true. Now Nick was officially hers and their new life together was just getting better.
   Judy and Nicks dad got along great and, after a long conversation, Nick Wilde and Terry Wilde were back to father and son.
   Terry wanted to try again with Nicks mom, who now insisted Judy called her Heather. She agreed for a date but needed to be sure she was ready. Terry was more than happy with the response.
   Stu cried through most of the wedding but danced it away at the reception. Bonnie was with him.
   Amber and Finnick stayed together at a table and talked amongst themselves.
   Kyle was engaging conversation with Clawhouser who about had a heart attack when Judy and Nick were officially married.
   All in all this was a great day and it had a 100% positive future that the two couldn't wait to see, but right now they wanted to savior every moment together, and make sure they miss nothing.
   The honey moon was nice but they didn't do much. The newlyweds Judy sat on the bed and cuddled. Nick would call her Mrs. Wilde from time to time just so he could hear it for himself and have the proof it wasn't a dream.
   Sleep would come soon for the couple and it would end the day. Both weren't ready but sleep got the best of them. They fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles on their faces.

AN-So yeah. They are finally married. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll make the next one soon but I don't know how soon. I'm on a tight schedule. I put something in here about Nick and Judy will have two kits. I failed to mention that in previous chapters. Sorry.
Till Next Time....

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