Captive Bunny

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AN-Hey guys. Not gonna say much about this chapter.

   Sense Judy had Nicks car, the fox hitched a ride with Bonnie and Stu to the police station. Nick had told them what Finnick said and the two couldn't believe it. Why would this happen?
   Finally after what felt like hours the trio made it to the BBPD.
   Nick ran into the station and found Bogo,"CHIEF!"
   Before the buffalo could say anything Nick said,"Where is she?!?" 
   "We don't know Wilde. All we know is that she was taken by a van of mammals about an hour ago."
   "Wilde. Calm down." 
   "No Chief I'm not calm. Judy is out there somewhere."
   "But we can't do nothing. We don't know where she is and if these mammals want a ransom they will call you or her parents. So stay aware. But if it's for the reason that many of the ZPD want to believe, Wilde, you could be in danger also."
   "Of course chief. These assholes ran into a parking lot and took a bunny for no reason. That makes a lot of sense."
   "Wilde please calm down. What I meant was I think these mammals are targeting both of you. There has been a group of mammals who...want you both dead because of your relationship with Hopps."
   Nick couldn't speak. If what the Chief had said was true, and Judy was about to be killed because of him. The fox could not live with that.
   "We have to find her chief."
   "The ZPD is doing all they can. But due to rules you cannot take part in this case."
   Nick was pissed but he knew the chief was right.
   "Just go home Wilde. Get some rest and we will take care of all of this."
   The buffalo then turned around and walked away to talk to the Sherif of Bunny-Burrow. 
   Nick walked up to a caring couple who heard the news of their daughter. 
   "I'm so sorry for this," Nick cried to the Hopps.
   "It's ok Nick. We know they will find her."
   Nick agreed with what they said but he couldn't think straight at he moment. All he could thing about was Judy. Where she was. How she was being treated. If he would ever see her again. Would she even get the chance to be Mrs. Wilde.
   Judy Hopps woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was a little dark but light shined through the door that was on the other side.
   There was nothing in the room except for a bed and a bucket. Judy knew what he bucket was for but did not dare to think about it.
   "Ah. The pred-chaser awakens," A voice said as the door began to open. 
   "Who the hell are you and why am I here?" Judy asked with anger.
   "Oh such bad words coming from you Judy. I thought you were a good girl. Then I see that you have wishes of having sex with a predator. A fucking fox even. You are a disgrace to this land and this town."
   Judy recognized the voice. But she couldn't put her fingers on who it was.
   Then the mammal came into the light. It was a large male rabbit Judy knew from her childhood. And it was a face she would never forget. The reason for this was the scar on his nose.
   "Yeah, Trick. It's me. You know when I heard about the fox I thought you were crazy. That you couldn't be in any way sane. Then I had to see it for myself,"the bunny threw pictures of her and Nick together on the floor so she could see.
   "Why are you doing this, Tray?"
   "You know what. I have no idea. Maybe it's because you chose a fox over me," the rabbit said in all anger.
   "You know why."
   "Maybe I do. But I will tell you this. When I heard that you were dating a predator I just couldn't waist this opportunity for blood. I have no intensions on killing you Judy. I still love you too much to do that. But I want the fox. For two reasons.
   1)Maybe you'll think twice next time before dating a mammal other than a rabbit.
   2)Revenge for him taking you from me."
   "Tray. That was years ago. Your crazy. I love Nick not you," Judy said. That caused Trey to come at her with his hand and slap her hard.
   "Shit up you bitch or I'll kill you too."
   "Kill me then you bastard," Judy said with anger.  
   "But then you won't learn anything."
   "Why would anyone help you?"
   "Well when you go to Zootopia all you gotta say is,'Hey y'all want to end an interspecies relationship.' Hell, mammals will run to you in a second. That's how I formed my group. Funny huh?"
   "Its demented."
   "Dumb bunny."
   Tray then walked out the door and locked it. Judy was close to tears. She couldn't bare the thought of Trey wanting to hurt Nick. All she could do is look at the pictures of her and her fox.
   There was one of the two kissing at a restraunt in Zootopia. They both looked so happy.
   "I love you Nick," the bunny said as she put the picture down and layed on the bed. Blood was still coming from the bunny's lip but it would end. Just like everything else good in her life. And all she could think about was Nick and how heartbroken he must have been at this moment. 
   "Bon, I'm worried about Nick," Stu Hopps said walking to his wife.
   "I am too. He's so broken about this."
   "What should we do?"
   The older rabbit where just looking at the fox. Nick was laying on the couch cuddling with a body pillow. And on his red fur we're tears.
   Stu finally decided to sit down next to Nick to try and help.
   "Nick. Did I ever tell you about the time Judy crashed my truck? Man that was one of the best days of my life."
   Nick looked to the older bunny and finally spoke.
   "Well, Judy was terrified to tell me what had happened. You see she crashes the truck in a ditch and tore it all up. So what she did was she ran home packed a bag and was going to leave. She would've rather just left than too see me mad at her. I got home and saw the truck then a note that said she was sorry. I looked everywhere for Judy but couldn't find her. I was so scared that I had lost her forever. Then I found her at the bus station waiting for the next bus. And that's when she said something to me I always keep with me. She said,'Daddy, please don't be mad. I love you so much and I would never intentionally hurt you. I was just afraid of telling you about the truck.'. And I told her that I didn't give a damn about the truck. What I did care about was her and as long as she was ok I would be ok. Nick, Judy is going to be ok. She's a strong bunny and no one is going to get her down that easy. All we have to do is trust in her and the police."
   Nick didn't stop holding the pillow when he said,"I just miss her so much Stu. I know she's ok. I know she can take care of herself but I'm supposed to take care of her. I'm supposed to protect her. And this is all just getting to me."
   Stu looked to Bonnie who nodded. 
   "Nick. I think you need to take a really close look at this," Stu said handing him a picture. It was the same picture Judy had given Nick before he left for the academy.
   The picture still said,'Don't ever let them see that they got to you.' But underneath that was more words written by Judy. It said,'You can get through anything. Because your MY fox.'
   Nick felt tears roll down his eyes as he let go of the pillow. After looking at the picture for a good while Nick got up and said,"I'm going to find her."

AN-Hey guys. Alright so that is the newest chapter. Any other time I would talk about the chapter but I think it pretty much speaks for itself.
Till Next Time....

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